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The website has some information on the addiction, another resource would be as well as

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Q: Where can I find information about Vicodin addiction treatment on the Internet?
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Related questions

What works better for pain methadone or vicodin?

For pain, Vicodin, for drug addiction treatment, methadone

Where can I find information about painkiller addiction on the Internet?

Addiction to prescription painkillers is a disease that has become increasingly prevalent in the United States and elsewhere. Opiate, or narcotic pain medications such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Norco, and Hydrocodone are commonly prescribed by physicians to treat pain.

What kind of Vicodin addiction treatment is there?

One of the best options is to get your brother to speak to a doctor who can help to slowly wean him off Vicodin with reduced doses over time. The best thing to do is for him to get help.

Who sings cocaine heroin alcohol and vicodin?

The song is called My Addiction by Dope.

How many vicodin a day is addiction?

Addiction is not defined on how many per day, but on how many days you can go without one. If you feel as if you cannot go on without it, then it is an addiction.

What are the side effects of vicodin?

extremely eurphoric feelings(good feelings), itchyness, drowsyness, addiction,

Can you take Vicodin for pain after you were addicted in the past?

You should let you doctor know about your past addiction. Vicodin is very addicting and maybe they can put you on something that is less addictive.

What are the Names of drugs commonly causing addiction?

nicotine. alcohol. oxycodone. vicodin. heroin. cocaine. methamphetamine.

Where can someone seek support from vicoden abuse?

A person can seek support for Vicodin abuse, or addiction, from several different places. Some of these include drug abuse treatment centers, such as The Betty Ford Center. A person can also seek support from family and friends.

Is it OK to take 3 vicodin a day?

Vicodin, should be taken as directed by prescriber . taking more that directed can lead to addiction of Vidcodin or other pain killers. The withdrawal from them is something else.... I would never want you to experience.

Which is stronger vicoden or percosets?

these are in two different drug classes, so one cannot really make an answer to that. vicodin is an opiate painkiller, while carisoprodol is a skeletal muscle relaxant. so i guess in terms of "strength" of addiction properties, vicodin is stronger (and may have more of an euphoric effect)

What are the long term affects of taking Vicodin for pain besides addiction?

It is all connected. As tolerance increases, the dosage must be increased to reduce the pain, which causes further increase in tolerance. Increased tolerance to any drug is usually the first distinct symptom of addiction.