

Where can I find information on ADHD?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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10y ago

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There are many different websites with information on ADHD. I recommend,,, and as they seem to be reputable sources for medical information.

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Q: Where can I find information on ADHD?
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Where can i find more information adhd nutrition?

You would be able to find out this kind of information by talking to your doctor as well as a nutritionist. They might have some good suggestions on adhd nutrtion.

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There are some adhd supplements that actually do help. There are a lot of natural vitamins and supplements you can get.���add-adhd/guide/���vitamins-supplements-adhd

Is there a website that offers more information on the ADHD diet for children?

WebMD has a section on ADHD, which includes diet suggestions for children and adults. There is also a site called ADHD awareness that has some pieces about nutrition. Many ADD/ADHD people self-medicate with caffeine, which should be discouraged.

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You can find more information about ADHD vitamins from your local nutritionist. They can provide many different vitamin options which allow you to manage your lifestyle.

Is there a good diet for ADHD sufferers?

A carbohydrate/protein-balanced diet��_ is a good option for a child with ADHD. You can find more information on that here

Where are online resources about the relationship between ADHD and diet?

Yes, there are several online medical reference resources, as well as ADHD support group websites that you can use to find helpful information about the links between ADHD and diet. Here are a few:

Where can I find out information about ADHD treatments?

One of the sites that will help you find out information on treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder would go by the name of

Where online can I find information about ADHD treatment?

You can find good information at sites like WebMD ( or the National Institute of Medical Health ( Other good resources would be CHADD and NAMI.

How can I recognize adhd symptoms?

There are lots of sites with information about ADHD symptoms. The WebMD and Healthline sites are both great sites with accurate information about ADHD in both children and adults.

Where can I find an ADHD quiz?

You can find a good ADHD quiz at You can also check out for this quiz.

Where can i find more information on adhd and diets?

The first place to start looking for answers to ADHD/Diets is with your physician. He will refer you to a dietician who is knowledgeable in the combinations of foods that are appropriate for those with ADHD. Adding vitamins and minerals to your diet is often necessary as is limiting the intake of certain foods.

How does one find a tutor for a child suffering from ADHD?

You can find a tutor at They offer tutoring for ADHD children.