

Where can I find more information on diabetic retinopathy?

Updated: 4/10/2024
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12y ago

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Diabetic retinopathy is the degeneration of eyesight caused by Diabetes. There are many treatments for this ( such as laser surgery ), all of which should be consulted about with your doctor.

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Q: Where can I find more information on diabetic retinopathy?
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Where can I find out more about diabetic retinopathy?

You can find out more about diabetic retinopathy on the website The website is designed to answer many medical questions and help solve any health issues you may have.

Where is it possible to learn about a diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is the result of complications of diabetes and can result in blindness if left untreated. Your doctor is the best resource in learning about diabetic retinopathy He will explain everything you need to know in detail. If more information is needed there are books available for reading at your local library.

Do you know the symptoms of Diabetic retinopathy and cures that may work?

You can learn anything you need to know about Diabetic Retinopathy, such as the symptoms and the cures and more if you check out this website.

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You can find out more information about diabetic testing supplies by going on forums that deal with diabetic testing supplies. You can also ask your doctor for more information.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye condition that occurs due to complications of patients suffering from diabetes due to increase in blood sugar levels. Diabetic Retinopathy affects the eye’s blood vessels in the light sensitive tissue in the eye called the retina. Amongst other complications, it is important to keep in mind that your eyes can be affected due to diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to blindness if left untreated. Diabetic Retinopathy affects both, patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and is more often seen in patients who have suffered from diabetes for a longer period as blood sugar tends to be less controlled over a longer period.

What are some of the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy?

A person may have diabetic retinopathy for a long without noticing any symptoms. Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy are blurred or distorted vision, floaters in your vision, pain in the eye, and partial or total loss of vision in the eye.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy and it’s types?

Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye condition that occurs due to complications of patients suffering from diabetes due to increase in blood sugar levels. Diabetic Retinopathy affects the eye’s blood vessels in the light sensitive tissue in the eye called the retina. Amongst other complications, it is important to keep in mind that your eyes can be affected due to diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to blindness if left untreated. Diabetic Retinopathy affects both, patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and is more often seen in patients who have suffered from diabetes for a longer period as blood sugar tends to be less controlled over a longer period. There are 2 types of Diabetic Retinopathy: Early Diabetic Retinopathy Early Diabetic Retinopathy, also known as Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (short from NPDR) occurs when the blood vessels in the retina weaken and new blood vessels are not proliferating or growing. When you have Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, fluid and blood sometimes leak into the retina from the walls of smaller vessels due to tine bulges causing larger vessels in the retina to dilate. This causes the diameter of the retina to become irregular. As more and more blood vessels begin to get blocked, Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy becomes more severe. Edema can sometimes build up in the macular (center) region of the retina as a result of damaged blood vessels, decreasing vision. The macular edema build up, if not treated can lead to blindness. Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy Also know as Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy is severe and occurs when the damaged blood vessels shut off, leading to new blood vessels that are abnormal to be formed in the retina which are fragile and can lead to leakage into the Vitreous (jelly like part in the center of the eye). This may lead to scar tissue which can detach the retina from the back of the eye or even increase the pressure on the eye as a result of interference of regular blood flow. The optic nerve can be damaged due to the build up causing permanent damage in the eye and vision or even lead to Glaucoma.

What causes diabetic retinopathy?

When new blood vessels are forced to grow in the eye due to excess sugar in your blood, these new blood vessels don’t grow properly leading to leakage and blockage in the retina leading to the blood supply being cut off. Further complication if diabetic retinopathy is not treated at an early stage could be permanent damage in the eye and even glaucoma. There are 2 stages of Diabetic Retinopathy: Early Diabetic Retinopathy Early Diabetic Retinopathy, also known as Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (short from NPDR) occurs when the blood vessels in the retina weaken and new blood vessels are not proliferating or growing. When you have Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, fluid and blood sometimes leak into the retina from the walls of smaller vessels due to tine bulges causing larger vessels in the retina to dilate. This causes the diameter of the retina to become irregular. As more and more blood vessels begin to get blocked, Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy becomes more severe. Edema can sometimes build up in the macular (center) region of the retina as a result of damaged blood vessels, decreasing vision. The macular edema build up, if not treated can lead to blindness. Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy Also know as Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, Advanced Diabetic Retinopathy is severe and occurs when the damaged blood vessels shut off, leading to new blood vessels that are abnormal to be formed in the retina which are fragile and can lead to leakage into the Vitreous (jelly like part in the center of the eye). This may lead to scar tissue which can detach the retina from the back of the eye or even increase the pressure on the eye as a result of interference of regular blood flow. The optic nerve can be damaged due to the build up causing permanent damage in the eye and vision or even lead to Glaucoma.

Why do diabetics with anorexia get retinopathy?

A diabetic with anorexia is no more likely to suffer from reinoptahy than a diabetic who is not anorexic. Retinopathy is a non-inflamitory damage to the retina of the eye. Diabetes is a prominent cause of it, along with genetic factors like being born pre-mature or having sickel-cell disease.

Where can I find more information on diabetic snacks?

To find out whether the diabetic snacks that were given to you by a close friend is beneficial or not will depend on the list of ingredients. To find out more information about a diabetic diet and what types of foods and snacks that will be safe to eat, go to

Where do I need to go to find out more about diabetic snacks?

You can go on if you want to find out more about diabetic snacks and how you can make them yourself in the comfort of you own house. You can go on to find recipes.

What diseases are treated at an eye hospital?

All eye diseases including common ones such as cataract, refractive errors, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, squint, etc are treated at a eye hospital. Consult with doctors online for more information.