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Many sites, including the WebMD site, address GERD (acid reflux disease) diets. Broccoli, spinach, and bananas can be part of this diet, since they absorb stomach acid.

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Q: Where can I get information about a diet for Gerd?
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Where can i learn more about the gerd diet?

My suggestion is to look up information on the gerd diet to see if it is what you want and what you require in a diet. Remember to check with your doctor before any serious dieting. Good luck.

Where do I need to go to find out more about diet for gerd patients?

If you suffer from GERD It is best to avoid spicy foods and foods with high acidic levels. Check out for more information.

Is there a diet that can relieve me of GERD symptoms?

There are two sites that have information about GERD, WebMD and and both suggest that the GERD symptoms require surgery rather than any type of symptom relieve because they don't work long term.

What is the best diet for GERD symptoms?

The best diet to help combat GERD symptoms would be to stay away from foods with high contents of acid or salt and to try and include more calcium and soft foods. The point of the diet is to not disrupt or encourage the GERD symptoms to reoccur.

Where can I find more information on acid reflux diet ?

There is a website perfect for your problem. At, there are tons of information that you can inquire. It is easy to navigate and can get you the information you need in no time.

Does the gerd diet work for everyone?

All fad diets work in the short term. The Gerd diet will work in helping you to lose weight, but the best way to keep weight off is through proper diet and exercise.

Where can I find the GERD diet?

There are a number of good medical websites which list dietary suggestions for those who suffer from GERD. Most list basic items to avoid such as chocolate, alcohol, carbonated beverages, high fat foods, among other known irritants. One website with GERD diet suggestions along with other information on controlling the symptoms of the disorder is:

Is there a diet for GERD patients that allows them to eat a balanced diet?

Yes, when you suffer from GERD or basically acid reflux disease, there are definitely foods that you should avoid eating.

Where can I find out more about gerd diet menu?

I found a whole website that is extremely informative Directly from the University of Illinois This site has information, sample menus purpose of this Diet etc.

Where can I find a diet for gerd patients? Patients following a diet for GERD should choose a wide variety of low-calorie, nutritious foods in moderate amounts. This should include lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat or fat-free milk, as well as fish, lean meat, poultry, or dry beans. Also, choose foods that are low in fat and added sugars.

What is gastro esophageal reflux disease and how can I treat it?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is related to the stomach and esophagus and refers to the stomach's contents flowing backwards from the stomach through the esophagus. This reflux can cause heartburn and can be relieved through acid reflux medications such as Pepcid AC and tums for immediate relief. Changing your diet may help relieve GERD, fried/fatty foods can often be triggers for GERD. If symptoms persist see your doctor for more information or a prescription to treat your GERD. is a great resource for more information.

Is there a diet for gerd patients?

If you have GERD you basically have a bad case of acid reflux disease and there are certain foods you should avoid. This will help