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Although a cervical herniated disc may originate from some sort of trauma or injury to the cervical spine, the symptoms start spontaneously. It usually develops in the 30-50 year old age group.

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You should go to a chiropractor. They may be able to help you with your herniated disk. If it is really bad, the chiropractor may refer you to another doctor in order to get surgery.

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Treatment of herniated disc?

Treatment for herniated disc - The fastest, safest, easiest treatment out there is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression with the DRX9000. Spinal Decompression looks a little like a big traction machine but actually does much more. It creates a vacuum affect in the spine which pulls any herniated or bulging discs back into place.

What's a good herniated disc treatment?

"To treat a herniated disc, one must take into factor the symptoms, age of the patient, and activity level of the patient. In mild cases, the patient is advised to rest and avoid any activities that may irritate the symptoms. In a mild case, a herniated disc may resolve with time."

What are other names for a herniated disc?

A herniated disc is also referred to as a slipped, rupture, bulging, or protruding disc.

Disc desiccation at each lumbar lore?

Disc desiccation is the loss of fluid in the intervertebral discs. When this occurs at each lumbar lore, the disc is not herniated or bulging and there is no surgical treatment.

What is the best treatment for a herniated disc?

If you have a herniated disc, the treatments include over the counter medications, narcotics, nerve pain medications, muscle relaxers, and cortisone injections. Physical therapy may be an option and if that doesn't work, surgery.

Where online can I find information on hospitals that specialize in herniated disc surgery?

There is no specific hospitals that specialize in herniated disc surgery. However, there are plenty of doctors that specialize in herniated disc surgery.

Is there a complete cure for cervical herniated disc?

Not really. Everyone is different and responds different to both consertative and aggressive treatment.

What are some treatment options for herniated disc?

Due to the discomfort experienced, consult a doctor immediately when herniated disc symptoms occur, such as severe back pain. Doing research at the library may help you learn about a herniated disc and possible treatments. However, your doctor will be able to discuss specific causes and treatments that pertain to your particular lifestyle, providing suggestions and prescription medication if necessary.

Can a herinated disc in the neck region cause a migraine?

The type of headache a herniated disc usually causes is most frequently Cervicogenic Headache. However, the pain and spasms from a herniated disc may also trigger Migraine in a susceptible individual. For proper diagnosis and treatment, seek the help of a headache specialist.

Where can I find info online about care for a herniated disc?

Information regarding herniated discs and treatment for this condition can be found at Another helpful site is located at

What is sequestered disc cephalad?

A sequestered disc cephalad refers to a herniated disc fragment that has broken off and moved upwards within the spinal canal. This can put pressure on nearby nerves or the spinal cord, causing symptoms such as pain, weakness, or numbness. Treatment may involve surgery to remove the sequestered fragment.

What is C6-C7 herniation?

A herniated disc