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Very persistent hemorrhoids can be dealt with swifty and permanently with surgery. The surgery is not as bad as it sounds, and certainly not as bad as living with bad hemorrhoids. Anything that Preparation H won't take care of in a month or so should be referred to a doctor, so he can either set you up with stronger medicine or get you the surgery to get rid of them.

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Q: Where can I learn about hemorrhoids and how to get rid of them?
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Related questions

How can a man get rid of hemorrhoids completely?

Only surgery will get rid of them but they can still come back.

Will hemorrhoid treatment get rid of my hemorrhoids?

Yes, treating hemorrhoids will get rid of hemorrhoids. There are special ointments that are available for purchase to help with hemorrhoids, as well as many other at home remedies. Some of these treatment options include, using baby wipes after using the bathroom instead of toilet paper and try witch hazel, which shrinks them, reducing pain and itching.

What are the symptoms of piles?

Internal hemorrhoids usually are painless. However, particularly hard stools associated with constipation can cause bleeding and sometimes pain when stool passes. Sometimes the doctor will want to know the exact color to help find the site of bleeding. Symptoms of external piles are different than internal piles symptoms. External piles can be felt as bulges at the anus, and are very painful. In general, if you're not sure if he has hemorrhoids, it is not external hemorrhoids. It is very important not to come to that. The sooner you take care of it so you will have more success getting rid of piles permanently. You can learn more about getting rid of hemorrhoids on my weblog:

Hemmeriods whats the cure?

Medicines like Preparation H will help get rid of hemorrhoids.

Hey im a heavy drinker and you suffer from hemorrhoids pretty much everyday is there anything you can do to get rid of it?

I do not believe that drinking has any bearing on hemorrhoids that I have ever heard of. Use over the counter creams, and if that doesn't work, there is always surgery to get rid of them.

What cures hemorrhoids?

There is no real cure you can do yourself for hemorrhoids. You can use creams like Preparation H or pads like Tucks to give you some relief. These really do help the hemorrhoids go down. The only way to completely get rid of hemorrhoids is to have them surgically removed. Otherwise, they will keep coming back.

Can hemorrhoids be prevented?

Softening the feces and avoiding constipation by adding fiber to one's diet is important, because hard feces lead to straining during defecation

Do geckos get hemorrhoids?

No. geckos don't get hemorrhoids

Did Ernest Hemingway have hemorrhoids?

Hemingway did in fact suffer from hemorrhoids.

What is another term for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are also known as piles

How do you know you have hemorrhoids?

Here is a link that offers symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Why do hemorrhoids itch?

Hemorrhoids can irritate you, especially itching.