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I'm not sure what you mean by Spartan workout. I'm not sure there is such a thing. Are thinking of the movie 300? If so, I heard that the actors worked like crazy for months to get shaped like that.

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Q: Where can I learn about the Spartan workout?
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Related questions

Where is the best place to get a 300 Spartan workout?

You can purchase the 300 Spartan workout from or other online retailers. There are also a number of videos on that show portions of the workout that could get you started for free.

Is the Spartan workout a good workout to use?

The Spartan workout is based on reps (repetitions of a certain exercise in large quantity such as 300). For most people this is excessive and is more likely to cause injury than muscle tone.

Are there beginner levels on the Spartan workout?

Yes there are beginners level on the Spartan workout. Here are some sites about this for you to take a look at , I hope this site helps you.

Is there a website that explains how to do the 300 Spartan workout?

I cannot find any websites that explain the 300 Spartan workout although does offer instructional DVDs which take you through the technique.

What is the benefit of the 300 Spartan workout?

The functional training exercises used in the levels of the 300 Spartan Workout build strength, muscle endurance, and train the nerves and muscles to develop entire-body functional fitness that make movements quick, coordinated and smooth. The exercises contained in the 300 Spartan Workout provide a small look into this powerful cross-training method but is a great place to start.

What was life for Spartan women's?

They had more freedom than Athenian women. Spartan women could also learn how to wrestle and how to race.

What was life like spartan women?

They had more freedom than Athenian women. Spartan women could also learn how to wrestle and how to race.

Why did Spartan males live in barracks?

They lived in barracks to learn stealth and cunning.

Where might one learn more about Fidelity Spartan funds?

Information about Fidelity Spartan funds can be easily viewed on the various sources online. Spartan 500 index fund on Fidelity, Fidelity investment on The Bogleheads, and Fidelity Spartan on Money Investing US News are few examples of online pages that feature about Fidelity Spartan funds.

What was spartan coming of age rite of passage ritual?

The Spartan coming to age rite of passage was a young boy mentoring a adult male to learn skills pertaining to their adult lives.

Where can one learn more about doing a core workout?

One can learn more about the pros, cons, and other details of a core workout by asking a professional fitness and health instructor. Another option would be to consult one's doctor.

Did Spartan boys have to go to school?

Spartan boys did not attend formal schools like in other ancient Greek city-states. Instead, they underwent military-style training from a young age in the agoge, where they were taught discipline, physical fitness, and combat skills. This training was aimed at preparing them to become strong warriors and loyal citizens of Sparta.