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Try I am not sure what size of lithium batteries you need, but that would be your best bet if you're not looking to go to a store. If you are looking to go to a store, try Best Buy. They carry a variety of batteries.

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Q: Where can I quickly get lithium batteries?
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Related questions

Why are lithium batteries more expensive than alkaline batteries?

They last longer and work more quickly

Are there specific items that require lithium batteries?

Lithium Ion batteries are simply a very good option.They( and NiMH) work better than other types,especially applications which drain batteries quickly.

Are lithium batteries and normal pencil batteries are same?

Lithium batteries are button type.

Comparing Lithium Batteries To Alkaline Batteries?

Lithium batteries use some type of lithium in their construction and are different from more traditional alkaline batteries. One of the key features of lithium batteries is the increase in the amount of electricity that is produced from a certain size of battery when compared to alkaline batteries. This feature also has a drawback, however, since a lithium battery can have a very harmful reaction when short circuited inside of a device. This can actually cause the battery to discharge electricity and heat very quickly, potentially igniting the battery itself.

Are lithium batteries good batteries?

Lithium batteries are disposable (primary) batteries that have lithium metal or lithium compounds as an anode. Depending .... batteries. Very good safety record. The best option would be to choose either NiMH or Lithium Ion batteries. This might seem expensive, but when you consider that they can be recharged multiple.

What household products contain lithium?

Batteries. Only Lithium (not Lithum-ion rechargeable) batteries contain Lithium in pure form.Also in Medication for Bipolar Disorder.

What is the difference between batteries with lithium and medications with lithium?

The batteries are dangerous to swallow.

Do lithium batteries leak?

No lithium batteries don't leak. There the bestS ones to get.

Is lithium in batteries?

Yes. All lithium is the same: the element lithium (Li). Lithium carbonate itself is not typically used in batteries however. You can have lithium metal (neutral) or lithium ions (positively charged). Lithium carbonate is composed of lithium ions, and there are actually both lithium ions and lithium metal in batteries.

What contains lithium?

Lithium batteries. Granite and lithium stearate.

What are the things made from lithium?

A quantity of the pure element lithium is just that, lithium. It is not made of any other chemical elements.

How fast does lithium batteries to die They die fast or slow?

lithium batteries do die fast.