

Where can Senators be born?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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A foreign born person can be senator provided they have 9 years of U.S. citizenship.

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Q: Where can Senators be born?
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Yes, this is true for the majority of senators and representatives (but not all of them, of course).I'm not sure about having to be born in the states that they represent, but they do have to be a legal resident

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The 2017 US Senators from Pennsylvania are Bob Casey Jr. (D) and Pat Toomey (R). Neither is a native of Philadelphia. A surprising number of PA senators have been born elsewhere. The last US senator born in Philadelphia was Joseph Clark Jr. (1901-1990) who served as PA senator from 1957 to 1969.

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The plural possessive form for the noun senators is senators'.

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