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Boys as young as this do not always know what their orientation is so it would be very difficult for a 12-year-old to find another the same age.

There are website for socializing between gays but you must be very careful if using any as they are a hot spot for Pedophiles pretending to be kids.

My advice is not to use them at all.

Wait until you are older and of a legal Age of Consent before looking for partners.

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Q: Where can a 12 year old gay boy find another?
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There is no real way to tell. The only way to know is to talk to him.

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Of course it makes you gay, you flamer.

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Absolutely not. You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to other boys.

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No. Not at all. Only being sexually attracted to other boys is gay.

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well if your a boy .. and your frenching with another boy.. you could either be gay or bi. Or maybe your just experimenting wtih another boy. But its not that bad if your gay or straight. the people that really care about you will support you no matter waht. like your friends and family. but umm. yeah frenching a boy and your a boy..

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because they like another boy