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Several websites offer lists of school grants for students. Examples include College Scholarships and Grants Alert. They can also be found through the U.S. Department of Education's website.

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Q: Where can a student find a list of school grants to apply to?
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Related questions

Where can I apply for student grants?

The best way to apply for student grants is to talk to your guidance counselor. They will help you to find the right forms and the best options that are available to you.

As a student attending an online university, how do I find grants for school?

The best way to find grants for a school is by accessing This site has a list of the most accessible grants for students.

How can I apply for student grants for college?

There are a variety of web sites that will provide free information about college grants that can be applied for. Students can also check with the finacial aid office at their school to find out if there are grants specific to that institution that students can apply for. The pulic library is another soarce of valuable information about grants that are available for college students.

Where can you find out more information about student grants for college?

The best place to look for student grants is the college or university you plan on attending. They should have an office or department called Financial Aid, they will even help you apply for grants.

Where can I find out about online school grants?

you can find different grants on line, all you have to do is look on the website of the college you are wanting to apply for and they should have information

Is there an on line source for information on how to apply for Pell Grants for college?

Yes, you can find information on how to apply for Pell Grants on the official Federal Student Aid website at The website provides detailed instructions on how to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is the application required to apply for Pell Grants.

Where can I find a list of graduate school grants?

Grants for financial aid to attend school are funded by the federal government. The eligibility for these grants extends through an undergrad degree. While there are no federal grants for graduate school, grad students can apply for student loans. Most schools offer teaching assistantships and graduate assistantships to promising students in specific fields. Your best bet is to check with the graduate school you hope to attend.

Where do I need to look to find out how to finance college?

You can use a college saving account through your bank. You can apply for scholarships and grants. You can also apply for student loans. Student loans can be found at

What is student assistance foundation?

The Student Assistance Foundation helps people who want to start college or are in college to find the best school for them, and helps them find student loans and grants.

Where can I find community college grants?

Your High school guidance counselor should have spoke to you about grants. Also, local colleges may offer you an opportunity to apply for grants that would make you eligible to attend there school.

What college grants can I apply for?

To find out what grants you might be eligible for it is best to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It is recommended you complete this process online at

how do i apply for college grants?

The first step for applying for college grants is to fill out the FAFSA. This information will be sent to your school and will let them know your Estimated Family Contribution. You will need your income information to fill this out, including your tax forms and your parents' (if you are not an independent student). Check with your financial aid office to see they require you to submit any additional forms. You can also find out if there are any state or local grants you can apply for, or any scholarships for which you might be eligible.