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Q: Where can a zoologist find employment?
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Related questions

What are the responsibilities of a zoologist?

Being a zoologist does not of itself incur duties or responsibilities. They will follow from the exact terms of one's employment. A zoologist in a university department would have very different duties from one employed, say, at a wild animal sanctuary.

Where can you find a zoologist?

in a zoo that's why its "zoo"oligist

How does a zoologist find an animals heart rate?

a zoologist checks a animals heart rate by taking it while there asleep by medication (if there vicious) or by just taking it with a stethoscope.

What are tasks zoologist do?

a zoologist works with animals

What do you call someone who studies Animals?

A person who studies animals is called a zoologist.

Where to find details of animals that live in solitary?

You can go visit a local zoo or can get a job as a zoologist.

What is a chimpanzees job?

They are zoologist. Zoologist are people who work with animals.

Where could one find employment in Buffalo?

There are many places where one can find employment in Buffalo. One can find employment in Buffalo at popular on the web sources such as Indeed and Career Builder.

Where can I find information on overseas job searches?

To find an overseas job a person can find a lot of international employment agencies online, or your local employment office, and private employment agencies.

What is a zoologist?

A zoologist is a person who works in or studies zoology - the study of animals.

Describe how zoologist and how it use or contribute to science?

a zoologist helps the animals

What abilities should a zoologist have?

Zoologist's should have the ability to take care of animals. This is achieved with an education. A zoologist should also have compassion for animals.