

Where can black widow spider webs be found?

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Ora Nader

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Q: Where can black widow spider webs be found?
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Where is black widow's door?

the black widow is a type of spider, and spider webs dont have doors

Is a black widow spider a working insect?

yes, it makes webs and other stuff

Why does a black widow spider have trouble getting around in its web?

I don't think they do, their webs are just right for them and for trapping their prey efficiently. However the black widow web look very messy to us humans.

What spider makes a big web in the trees?

It could be caterpillars instead of spiders, unless you saw a spider in it. There is something called a bag worm that makes huge webs in trees.

In Egypt how many spiders are killers?

Baboon spider, Button spiders (our black widow), Sac spiders, Rain spider, Violin spider (our recluse), six-eyed sand spider (sicarius-which is Latin for murderer), Darwin's black spider-on the list because it's webs can span 30 feet, white tailed spiders.

Brown spider with black stripe down back?

The tan and black spider with horns on its back is the Arrow-shaped Micrathena. These spiders spin their webs in spirals and hang in the center of the web, often mistaken for a piece of wood or leaf.

What is the name of the black spider with two red stripes or ovals on its back?

black widow No this isn't a black widow...their red or orange markings are on the spiders belly since Black widows hang under their webs. The best guess is a jumping spider if the markings are visible when the spider is walking around. The Australian Redback Widow is the exception to the rule, it's markings as it's name implies on on the back.

Are tigers afraid of spider webs?

No. Tigers are no afraid of spider webs. It is doubtful that spider webs matter to them at all.

What kind of spider is the spider from James and the Giant Peach?

The book never specifies directly. She is described as having a 'murderous black head', and is able to spin mesh-like webs as hammocks. Because the story is set in the south of England, it could be a safe assumption that she is a False Widow spider.

How fast can a black widow run?

I am only young butt i know that this question all depends on how big the bite is and it is sad to say buut could be very fatal to a average person of the age 10 or younger for anywhere older it could be extremly dangerous butt for those people worring about it, it is very unlikley you would get killed from a black widow. thank you Alyce D

Can spider webs be different colours?

no spider webs can not be different colors

What are facts black widows?

The Black Widow spider is the most poisonous spider in North America, but only the adult female. The female Black Widow is easy to recognize (if you care to get that close) by the red hourglass shape on the underneath part of her abdomen. She has a shiny black body with various types of red markings on the top, depending on the species. There are about five species of Black Widow spiders in North America. The black widow will grow to about 8-10mm. Black Widows will lay up to 400 eggs at a time, but they are known to be cannibals, which means that they will eat each other. The Black Widow has unfairly earned a bad reputation for wanting to eat her mate. She will only eat her mate when she mistakes him for a meal! The silk of this spider is known to be the strongest of all silk. The Black Widow spider does not spin the pretty webs, instead she will spin the thick jumbles looking cobweb. These webs catch beetles, flies, grasshoppers, moths and other spiders. These spiders, although a little scary, have enemies, as well. A few wasps can sting and paralyze, before eating the Black Widow. She is also a favorite food of the Praying Mantis. Some birds will eat these spiders but could end up with an upset stomach from her poisons. The bright red markings on her belly will warn possible predators that she is a nasty meal.