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To get a loan from Fannie Mae, you must go through an approved lender. Many of these approved lenders are banking institutions, but there may be some local shops that specialize in loans.

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Q: Where can one apply for Fannie Mae loans?
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What is the best brand of fannie Mae?

Fannie Mae is a government sponsored program to help enable people to obtain mortgages to purchase a home. Fannie Mae does not use one single brand but helps homeowners to find the best rates available.

Where can one get a Fannie Mae stock quote?

One can find stock quotes on websites that monitor stock markets, such as Market Watch or the Wall Street Journal. Fannie Mae trades under the acronym FNMA on the stock market.

How did fannie Mae become involved with the government?

Part of Roosevelt's depression recovery program. It was one of many "GSE" or government sponsored enterprises. Fannie Mae was later privatized. Greenspan and Bernanke have described Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as private corporations, having an ambiguous relationship with our the federal government. As private corporations, they could generously reward their CEO's during the housing boom and have limited disclosure of their loans. Obviously, the take over removes this ambiguity. See:

Where can one find current Fannie Mae mortgage rates?

One can find the current Fannie Mae mortgage rates online at a website known as BankRate. This will break down the average rate in the periods of one week ago, one month ago and one year ago.

Did the Barack Obama campaign receive any contributions from Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae?

According to, Obama is the second highest recipient (Senator Dodd (D) being number one) of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae contributions.

Where can one find first time buyer home loans?

There are many banks where one can find a loan for first time buyers, including Chase Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, US Bank, The Fannie Mae Foundation, and The Federal Savings Bank.

How would one go about applying for a student loan online?

Government websites provide information about federal and state student loans. One should complete a FAFSA application to determine available federal and state student loans. If these do not apply, then one must apply to a private student loan company, such as Sallie Mae.

Where can one obtain the lowest refinance rates for mortgages?

The lowest mortgage rates are offered by private lenders though they may use various government programs for the specific mortgage loan. The government does not actually make mortgage loans, though government sponsored enterprises such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae purchase the loans later from banks which actually make the loans.

Where can one apply for financing car loans?

There are many places where one can apply for financing car loans. One can apply for financing car loans at popular on the web sources such as Capital One and Bank Rate.

When did the mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crash and how is the US government going to rescue them?

No one really knows.

Where can one find more information on Sallie Mae Loans?

More information can be found about Sallie Mae loans on the official Sallie Mae website. If looking to deal with Sallie Mae private loans you will find more information at Lauren Lyons Cole's blog page. She gives helpful information about dealing with this organization and the types of loans they provide. Most likely if you need specific information, you may need to call Sallie Mae for details about an existing loan.

How to apply for alternative loans?

One can apply for alternative loans online. One can apply at Fast Choice for an alternative student loan by simply clicking on the 'Apply Now' button and filling out the online form.