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Alcohol breath testers are available at both online and offline retailers. For an online order, one can use Amazon or Ebay. Many bars and restaurants have alcohol breath testers that they allow patrons to use.

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Alcohol testers may be purchased from the local Walmart or other franchises. These stores carry a large selection of items for everyday use at low prices.

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You can buy a cheap breathalyzer at home hardware places and online at breathalyzer Canada, Alcotester, Alcomate, Best Buy, Halfords, Brookstone and Amazon

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What can be tested with a breathalyzer?

The Breathalyzer is a device which can be used to test the alcohol content level in blood. If you want to know more information on this. You can check here

What is a breathalyzer?

A breathalyzer is a small device that is used to determine a person's blood-alcohol content. The higher the blood-alcohol content, the more alcohol the person has in their blood. In Kansas, a level of .08 or greater will result in a DUI.

Can being tazered effect a breathalyzer test?

No, not a chance. A breathalyzer measures only the level of alcohol contained in ones exhaled breath.

Can you get minor consuming alcohol without being giving a breathalyzer?


Can robitussin effect breathalyzer test?

Any substance containing alcohol can effect a breathalyzer test, including burping after consuming alcoholic beverages. Once consumed alcohol is absorbed by the body and introduced into the blood stream. A breathalyzer measures the amount of alcohol vapor that is in the lower lungs. If you were to take a breathalyzer within minutes of having any type of alcohol in your mouth, you would register high due to the vapor still present in your mouth. That is why an operator has you wait 20 minutes for the vapor to dissapate from your mouth. Any substance containing alcohol would register in after consumption, including medicines containing alcohol.

Why is the breathalyzer important?

A breathalyzer is important because that is how the police officer will test your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) to see if you are over the legal limit for driving.

Could nuts cause false breathalyzer results?

Not unless they were soaked in alcohol.

What happens if breathalyzer detects alcohol under probation?

If you were driving and the breathalyzer detects alcohol, then this would be considered a breach of your probation in most states in the US and provinces in Canada. You would be arrested and sent to jail, and your probation officer contacted.Added: If one of the conditions of your probation specifies NO alcohol, you don't even need to be found driving. Just drinking it is sufficient for a VOP.

How long does alcohol take to enter your body and have a result on a breathalyser test?

Alcohol effects a breathalyzer test immediately after consumption.

How much time after consuming alcohol would it take to register on a breathalyzer test?


Is there an alcohol drink that is not detectable on one's breath?

The way alcohol is detectable on breath is because air in the lungs is absorbing alcohol from the bloodstream, therefore there is no way to beat a breathalyzer. If you mean is there alcohol that cannot be "smelled" then yes because there are flavored drinks that you wouldn't be able to smell the alcohol.