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How long it will take for you to pass a Breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol, will depend on how much you drank. Alcohol is metabolized in the body at a rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration per hour.

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Q: How long does it take for you to pass a breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol?
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Will i pass a breathalyzer 9 hours after drinking two beers?

If you didn't have any other alcohol, you probably will pass it.

Will you pass a breathalyzer after not drinking for 10 hours?

You may not pass a breathalyzer after not drinking for 10 hours. Each person's metabolism is different, some could pass and some will not.

How long do you have to stop drinking alcohol to pass blood lab work?

approximately 2 days

How long does it take to pass a breath test after drinking a half pint of alcohol?

10 hours

Can perfume help you pass a drug test?

No, perfume in no way shape or form will help you pass a drug test. Wearing perfume won't change anything. Also, most perfumes contain alcohol. So if alcohol is part of the drugs being tested for, whether a breathalyzer or blood test, drinking perfume will only make you test positive for alcohol.

How long after drinking a pint of 100 proof alcohol can you pass a breath test?

About six and 1/2 hours minimum.

How do you pass a breathalyzer after drinking?

That's easy. Just have one drink, only. And if you have more than one, don't drive until the alcohol is metabolized out of your system. That's about one hour for every drink, after you stop drinking, if your liver is working properly. For example, if you have six drinks, wait six hours after you stop. But, most people forget how many they've had after two and lose their ability to think rationally and even do the simple math to figure out how long to wait.

How long does it take to pass a breathalyser test after drinking alcohol?

It depends on how much you have drunk, your weight, physical condition, if you have eaten etc.

Can you smoke marijuana and pass a breathalyzer?

breathalyzers measure the amount of alcohol in your system you gronk! not how much dope you've smoked. Are you retared?

Can you pass a breathalyzer on meth?

Depends on what the breathalyser is testing for, if just alcohol, yes. However you should not be in charge of a moving vehicle if you are taking drugs.

Can you pass a breathalyzer 6 hours from now if you've had 4 beers over 8 hours?

If you had 4 beers over 8 hours and then wait 6 hours with no more alcohol, you should have no problem passing a breathalyzer test.

Will you pass a breathalyzer after drinking a pint of whiskey and 6 beers after 10 hours of not drinking?

No, because a pint of whiskey is like 10 beers and 6 more. Thats 16 hours you would have to wait.....