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It depends on how much you have drunk, your weight, physical condition, if you have eaten etc.

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Q: How long does it take to pass a breathalyser test after drinking alcohol?
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How long does it take for you to pass a breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol?

How long it will take for you to pass a Breathalyzer test after drinking alcohol, will depend on how much you drank. Alcohol is metabolized in the body at a rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration per hour.

Can you pass a breathalyzer on meth?

Depends on what the breathalyser is testing for, if just alcohol, yes. However you should not be in charge of a moving vehicle if you are taking drugs.

How long do you have to stop drinking alcohol to pass blood lab work?

approximately 2 days

How long does it take to pass a breath test after drinking a half pint of alcohol?

10 hours

How long after drinking a pint of 100 proof alcohol can you pass a breath test?

About six and 1/2 hours minimum.

How do you pass an alcohol urine test?

In order to pass an alcohol urine test, refrain from drinking any alcohol. However, cleaning your body out with a lot of water and cranberry juice can help get rid of any of the alcohol toxins still lingering.

Will i pass a breathalyzer 9 hours after drinking two beers?

If you didn't have any other alcohol, you probably will pass it.

Does drinking metholated spirits help pass a drug test?

Drinking methylated spirits (in the US this is called denatured alcohol) will either blind you or kill you. DO NOT DO THIS!

If you stop drinking how much time will you need to pass a alcohol test?

Alcohol only stays in your system for about 72 hours(3 days) at most...

How can you pass an alcohol urine test?

You can pass an alcohol urine test by not drinking or consuming any type of alcohol. Then whenever you go to get an alcohol urine test, there will be no trace of alcohol in your system, there will be no sign of it, and it will allow you to pass your alcohol urine test. In addition, don't come into contact with any form of alcohol (mouthwash, sanitizers, site preparation for injection, inhalation of alcohol vapors, etc. for at least 72 hours before test.Read more: How_do_you_pass_a_alcohol_urine_testsTo pass the test, come into no contact (even inhaling alcohol vapors) for at least 72 hours before taking the test.As much water as you can drink before you take it.

What reduces the blood alcohol level?

The only behavior that can lower BAC is patiently waiting for time to pass.

If you drink 6 beers how long before you would pass breath test?

It would depend on the timing of the drinking episode and the alcohol content of the beer, but you would be "safe" after 12 - 18 hours.