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There are many organizations that do good works for the world but only one focused on providing clean water to everyone. The water project is this organization. They can be reached through their website.

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Q: Where can one donate to help give needy people water wells?
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How can someone donate water to charity?

Someone doesn't "donate water" per say, they donate money to help pay for clean water for communities and villages. When you donate to a cause that has to do with water, the idea is that it benefits areas where the water is unsuitable for people to drink or cook with. Your money goes to helping build filtration systems or clean water drinking wells.

How can people help poor people get water?

you make a charity of go to one like water aid and donate money to them so you can help the poor people pay for appliances to dig up wells or to make some sort of a fountain.

Why do people drill wells?

People drill wells to reach fresh water.

Where do people in Kenya get there water?

From wells or from tabs

How did medieval people get fresh water?

they used river water and wells

Did they have water wells on the Victorian goldfeilds?

no they did not have water wells but they did have gold wells

How did southwest people water thir crops?

Wells & windmills.

How does a neighborhood get its well water?

Most neighbourhoods in North America get their water pumped from deep wells and then processed. Actually, most people in North American cities get their water from reservoirs. Rural people usually have wells.

What are three ways people can get water from an aquifer?

Most water from an aquifer is accessed by drilling.

How do wells gather water?

Wells get water from the underground water table.

Why do people dig wells or lay pipes that take water to dry places?

It's so that the people living in those dry places have access to water.

Where do you put water wells?

You put water wells where there is shortage of water. For example India has loads of villages with Wells.