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One can find a cassette to CD recorder for sale at stores like Canadian Tire, Target, Walmart, etc. At the same time, one can go to sites like amazon and eBay to look for deals.

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Q: Where can one find a cassette to CD recorder for sale?
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Related questions

What is the cheapest cassette voice recorder you can buy online?

Best Buy offers a cassette voice recorder for 38.99 online. This seems to be one of the most reasonable prices I can find. A less expensive option would be to purchase a used one.

What cassette players records and plays dolby?

Most cassette players nowadays supports playing dolby and records at the same time. This is one example -> O Coby O - Portable Am/Fm Cassette Player/Recorder or Sony Standard Portable Player/Cassette Recorder.

Where can one find cassette decks still for sale?

Cassette decks are harder to find now, as many do not use cassettes anymore. Sites like ebay and craigslist are going to be an individual's best bet.

When was the first VCR sold?

1963 was when the first home VCR was offered for sale, the Telcan.Technically speaking, the Telcan was not a VCR, (Video Cassette Recorder) it was a fixed-head longitudinal videotape recorder. A Reel-to-Reel mounted on top of a television.The first consumer video cassette recorders were made available in 1971.

Where can I find a cheap, used cassette voice recorder?

Although most cassette voice recorders run for about fifteen dollars, you may be able to find a cheaper one at a Good Will or Saint Vincent DePaul. I would try it first before you buy it. Usually they have batteries behind the counter to try out devices.

Is there a radio made that you can record on such as the station you're listening to?

Go the other way ..,. look for a recorder, like an MP3, or digital voice recorder, or even a cassette recorder, that also has a built-in radio. If it has one, then it'll have the option of recording from it.

What does one consider when purchasing blank cassette tapes?

Blank cassette tapes are used to record sounds using a tape recorder. A few things to consider when purchasing blank cassette tapes are, how much time is on the tape, if the tape is damaged, and the tape quality.

Where might one find a digital audio recorder at a reasonable price?

A digital audio recorder can be purchased from any retailer who sells small electronics. Retailers such as Best Buy ad Circuit City have this item for sale. Online marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon also have this item listed as being for sale.

Where can I find a DVD recorder on sale online?

look to walmart,, ask your friends if they have one that they could sell to you. look for them at your local electronics store. I wish you the best of luck :)

Can you make a Cassette Deck?

I'm not sure how you would go about creating a cassette deck from scratch but I did find an article on how to repair an existing one at

Would a usb audio recorder be best if you were a journalist?

I don't know that it is necessary to have a USB recorder, but a digital audio recorder of some type is preferable over traditional cassette. Yes, USB microphones are much better with audio quality than traditional microphones. The snowball microphone is one that is preferred by many professional podcasters.

What are alternatives to a VCR?

The main device that has replaced the VCR recorder is the DVD recorder. A DVD looks much like a CD and is therefore less bulky than a video cassette for storage purposes. Also a DVD holds far more minutes of recording time than a VCR also so overall the change is considered to be a good one.