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Information about autism spectrum disorders can be found from many different resources. Some online resources include Autism Science Foundation and CDC.

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Q: Where can one find information about autism spectrum disorders?
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What can I find information about autistic spectrum disorders?

The different forms of autism are thought to overlap considerably. But the fact that there is wide variation in symptoms among children with autism led to the concept of autism spectrum disorder. Autism seems to be on the rise, and autism spectrum disorders affect between two and six children out of every 1,000 in the U.S. It's unclear, though, whether the growing incidence of autism represents a real increase or just improved detection

What is the percentage of Autism Spectrum Desorder in boy scout of America?

I don't think you will find an answer to this since this information is not captured when a boy joins scouts.

What is adult autism?

Basicly, autism is something you are born to have, not something that you could grow into. So, adult autism, means that a child with autism grows up and become an adult with autism. However, if you didn't find out that you have autism until you are an adult, then your autism must be the mild kind on the entire autism spectrum.

Where online can one find information about the early stages of autism?

Information about autism in children can be found on the NHS Choices website, as well as YoungMinds. There is further information on Autism Speaks and from the website of the Autism Society.

Where can one find more information about the symptoms of autism?

There are many helpful sites on-line that have great information about the symptoms of Autism as well as information on how to cope with the condition. For great information you can check out the Autism Speaks page.

Where can I find more information on the early signs of autism?

Organizations like Autism Speak and NHS provide great information for early signs for autism. They require no payment for obtaining the information. The quality of the information is accurate and easy to comprehend.

Can people with dyspraxia drive?

I got this by goggling the subject on the National Autistic Society-Driving. their site is added below related links. The NAS Autism Help line occasionally gets asked about the rights of people with autism in relation to learning to drive. As autism is a spectrum disorder it is impossible to say that people with autism either should or should not be allowed to drive. Some people with autism may find this skill extremely difficult to grasp, while others will be highly competent drivers.

Could periodically lying down flat on the floor with hands at sides be a symptom of autism spectrum disorder?

The person might have an autism spectrum disorder or might not. That symptom would not prompt a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. For a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder, the person will have a set of symptoms, not just one. To use this behavior to help diagnose an autism spectrum disorder as opposed to another condition, more information would be necessary. I know of a child who did something similar for the purpose of getting attention, rather than having an autism spectrum disorder. I know of a child who would periodically lie on the floor, motionless, pretending to be dead, apparently as a response to having heard a discussion about someone having died. It would be useful to know the context of the behavior. Does the person seem to find it stress-reducing? Does a certain event trigger this behavior? Does it happen several times per day or only a couple times per week? Does the person become agitated if interrupted during this process? Is this a behavior the person might have learned in kindergarten and has made part of his or her daily routine? These questions are examples of additional information that could be helpful to the person's doctor in diagnosing whatever condition it is.

What challenges are associated with High Functioning Autism?

When someone has high functioning autism, they can struggle to understand other peoples feelings, they find it very hard in social situations. Some people can develop obsessive compulsive disorders.

Where could one find information regarding Autism in children?

Autism Speaks is the authority on this condition. WebMD also has useful information. Check with a local pediatrician as to what the symptoms are and the best course of treatment.

Can autism be inherited?

The current scientific information says that although they are yet to find the cause of Autism, it may be hereditary. This is due to the increased rate in familys, with someone affected by Autism, having another Autistic family member. It is also incredably common in identical twins for both to have Autism rather then just one. Scientists are currently trying to find what gene, if in fact it is a gene, that is causing Autism.

What is the average pay for Working with Clients with Autism Spectrum Disorders?

I don't know but it needs to be equivalent to the average wage and not the basic wage as there is so much demands on the unfortunate parents that find themselves in this position. That is for the parents but for those that choose to work in the field a good wage would be well deserved as it is not an area of choice for me.