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Information about ear surgery can be found in many of the websites concerning health. WebMD may have some information. There is also a webcrawler for information.

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Q: Where can one find information to become an Ear Surgeon?
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How much would it cost to have ear surgery in Brazil?

When looking to find a cosmetic surgeon that will perform ear surgery some information on the internet suggests that it is cheaper to have ear surgery in Brazil. To get a price for the ear surgery the websites all ask the clients to email for specific ear surgery pricing.

Where can one find more information about ear cleaners?

One can find information about ear cleaners on various websites like CVS and Wikipedia. One could also visit a local doctor and ask information about ear cleaners in there.

Who treats traumatic injuries of the external ear?

Traumatic injuries of the external ear are treated initially by an emergency physician, trauma surgeon, or plastic surgeon.

How can you find more information about ear surgery?

One can find more information about ear surgery when one goes on the site of WebMD. Or one can learn more at the official site of American Society of Plastic Surgeons to view photos and information about ear surgery.

Where does the surgeon make his first incision during an otoplasty?

After the patient has been anesthetized, the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear in the fold of skin where the ear meets the head.

Do I need to visit an ear surgeon for a checkup?

I would definitely be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. It might be quicker to go to your local urgent care instead of waiting for an ear surgeon appointment.

Where can one find information on ear surgery?

For general information on ear surgery, one can visit medical information sites on the web. Some reputable sites include the Mayo Clinic and WebMD. For information specific to one's condition, you will want to be evaluated by an ear, nose, and throat doctor.

How does one go about getting plastic surgery for one's ears?

Ear surgery, known as otoplasty, can correct major or minor deformities of the ear. The America Society of Plastic Surgeons offers a free "Find a Surgeon" tool.

Is performed in preparation for the placement of a cochear implant?

the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear and opens the mastoid bone (the ridge on the skull behind the ear) leading into the middle ear. The surgeon then places the receiver-stimulator in the bone, and gently threads the electrodes into the cochlea.

Can a surgeon do a repair to a stapedectomy?

Yes I have had my left ear repaired. The bone broke and the surgeon had to graph a new bone and put the wire back on. 3 years later having same problem in right ear

What steps are taken at the conclusion of an otoplasty?

After the surgeon has finished reshaping the ear and carefully drying the area, the incision is closed. The surgeon covers the ear with a cotton dressing moistened with mineral oil or other soft dressing.

Where can one find information on ear aids?

Beltone and Miracle-Ear are two of the leading manufacturers of hearing aids and they have all the information needed. Also, it is a good idea to ask the advice of an audiologist.