

Best Answer

You could go to a local library,and ask the librarians to give you books on it. You could also look for articles on it in the newspaper,magazines,or other resources. You could also go to the Discovery channel and watch for programs about it.

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Q: Where can one find more information about Pileated Woodpeckers?
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Are woodpeckers good to eat?

No. Woodpeckers are extremely small, therefore, the nutritional value is next to none. Not all are small, and some people did actually eat the large ivory bill when it was more common, and the pileated too. Both of these woodpeckers are crow sized.

What do pileated woodpeckers eat?

They hammer the base of rotting trees, which creates fist-sized, almost rectangular holes. This allows them to eat bugs like carpenter ants and wood-boring beetle larvae. They will also eat berries and nuts.

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Is the red cockade woodpecker endangered?

Red-Cockaded woodpeckers are endangered as a result of habitat loss, compounded by many other factors. They are dependent upon mature forests with standing dead trees, even more so than most other woodpeckers. Since mature forests have been cut for timber, converted to farmland, and managed as tree farms in much of the southeastern US, the birds cannot find enough nest sites or food sources. Mature forests are being harvested and are leaving the woodpeckers with limited or none home. The current threats include population fragmentation - the fact that the few remaining groups are isolated from other groups - and other factors. Oddly, two natural factors are listed as threats to the fragmented populations of Red-Cockaded woodpeckers. One is that the larger and more numerous pileated woodpeckers take over their nest holes, making the holes too large for the Red-Cockaded woodpeckers to use. The other is the southern pine beetle, which feeds on the same dead trees as other insects which the woodpecker eats, but the pine beetle infestations are so numerous that they damage the woodpeckers' nest holes. See Under "detailed documentation" is a list of specific threats to the species and conservation efforts.

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One can find more information about culling on Wikipedia where they have much information on the procedure and how it is implemented. One can also find information on 'HowStuffWorks'.

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You can find more information about Cardinal Newman College at their official website. You can also find more information about the college at Wikipedia.