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One could consult one's doctor, or buy nicotine patches. A doctor could prescribe medication against cravings, but these medications have side-effects.

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There are a large number of websites that offer tips on quitting smoking by going "cold turkey." Some of these websites are Why Quit, QuitNet, Health, Freedom Quit Smoking, and Men's Health.

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Q: Where can one get tips on how to quit smoking cold turkey?
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Related questions

What are the top ten best tips to quit smoking?

The best way I found to quit smoking was to throw them away. Do not try to taper off of them, it is harder than just doing it cold turkey. Drink Water or lemon water and get exercise.

What are some tips on quitting smoking?

You can either go to your doctor, or you can take patches to help you quit smoking. It takes real energy and time to quit cold turkey. Since you will be pregnant, I don't recommend taking any pills that can harm the baby.

What are tips to quit smoking?

To quit smoking should be by using Nicotine patch &/or gum.

Where to find tips to quit smoking?

There are many medications that can be prescribed to aid someone in their quest to quit smoking. Another option is the electronic cigarette, which still gives one the illusion of smoking.

Do you have any tips that make quitting smoking easier?

Quitting cold turkey has proven to be very effective. Also, trying to focus on not smoking just one day at a time, instead of thinking ahead to how long you want to quit or thinking back to how long it's been since you had a smoke.

Collect a Lot of Quit Smoking Tips?

There's no one silver bullet piece of magical advice when it comes to quitting smoking. Your best bet is really to collect a lot of quit smoking tips from everybody you know who has successfully quit smoking in the past. By applying a dozen different strategies and seeing what works, you can come up with a quit smoking plan that works best for you, involving just the best pieces of everyone else's ideas and advice.

Where can I find information about how to quit smoking on the Internet?

Well, I would recommend finding addition information on how to quit smoking on Quit Net because they offer a variety of tips. They also offer their services for a fee of no charge.

What content is on the stop smoking NHS website?

Content that is on the stop smoking NHS website includes tips on how to quit smoking, the health benefits of not smoking, illnesses caused by smoking and help line numbers.

What are some tips on how to quit smoking?

One way to help you quit smoking is to develop a different habit to replace it with. It's also a good idea to get rid of smoking paraphernalia such as lighter and ashtrays. Take it one day at a time, and anticipate that you will have withdrawal symptoms.

Quit Smoking for Good?

There are a lot of ways to quit smoking for good. One important way is to try to find local groups that can help you quit smoking, and supporters. A few other things is to slowly ease off of it. Try cutting down by 2 every day until you can quit smoking or good. Chewing gum, and snacking on vegetables and fruits is a good way to quit smoking also. If it is too hard for you, then you can always go to a doctor and see what medications you can get on to help you kick the habit.

What are some tips to help me stop smoking?

If you want to stop smoking, set a quit date. Get out a paper and write all the reasons why quitting will be beneficial. Ask your family and friends for support. If possible, do not quit smoking alone. If you have a friend who is also a smoker, see if you could work on quitting together. Having a support system can make a world of difference. If you do not have any personal friends who are also smokers or who want to quit smoking, look for an online or in-person support group. If you have tried stopping in the past, think about what worked and what didn't. Learn from those experiences. Some people have only tried stopping cold turkey. While this is successful for some, some people need to taper off instead. You could do this by slowly and gradually decreasing the amount you smoke a day. Plan it out and reward yourself with something nice each time you have lowered your amount of smoking.

Tips to maintain your health or immunity system?

Eat regularly, sleep well, quit smoking, and consume more fruits and vegetables.