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The website for the centers for disease control and prevention has information about the smallpox vaccine. It will inform you what smallpox is, what are the symptoms, and why you should get the vaccine.

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Q: Where can one go to find information on a smallpox vaccine?
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What was the smallpox vaccine called?

The smallpox vaccine is an injection to prevent one from contracting smallpox. It has been used to help the body to develop immunity against the disease.

Can you get smallpox in the UK?

There is nowhere in the world today where one could be infected with smallpox. Smallpox was declared officially eradicated May 8 1980. Before 1980, it was possible to be infected while in the UK. In fact, Edward Jenner, the man who discovered the smallpox vaccine, was born in Berkeley, England in 1749. All information is courtesy of <i>Smallpox Vaccine: Escape from a Deadly Scourge</i>, which can be found at

Jenner's one particularly important achievement?

Antisceptic, or is it Smallpox vaccine.... one or t'other. I'd better look it up.... Smallpox Vaccination using Cowpox it is.

What did the smallpox vaccine do?

Edward Jenner discovered that farmers who had caught cowpox did not suffer from smallpox. He then started injecting people with small doses of cowpox and he observed that they did not catch smallpox. He had created a vaccination for smallpox. :D

Why do you think they made the vaccination against smallpox non-compulsory?

Smallpox was one of the first sucess-stories of vaccinations. So many people had the vaccine that Smallpox mostly died out. It is now only found in laboratories, and maybe in some poorer countries.

Who discovered the first vaccine?

Edward Jenner created the first vaccine to be widely used in 1796; others had done the same before him, but their discoveries were not well-known. Jenner found that milkmaids infected with cowpox did not get smallpox. He tested this theory on a young boy, first exposing him to cowpox, then smallpox. The boy did not develop smallpox, and Jenner's work was published widely.

Is there a vaccine for shigellosis?

There is no vaccine for shigella. Scientists are still working to find one.

Can you get a tattoo after anthrax vaccine?

I would wait at least a week after its fully healed. Any sooner or during the vaccination process and the fresh cuts from the new tattoo will cause a break out similar to the one near the vaccination site.

How Edward Jenner found vaccination?

Observation and deductive reasoning. Smallpox was a scourge during Jenner's time, but he noticed that milkmaids contracted a very mild illness similar to smallpox called "cowpox", from which they recovered easily. He postulated that a tiny bit of the cowpox serum could be injected into a well person, and the mild cowpox might protect them from the deadly smallpox. It worked.

What are risk factors of Smallpox?

Small Pox is an infectious disease, so you'd think there would be a high risk, but, a vaccination for Small Pox was created and now Small Pox has been almost 100% eradicated except for a few chemical labs that dot the world.

Who invented the first vaccine?

Edward Jenner invented the first vaccine for smallpox in 1796Edward Jenner invented the vaccinedarwinEarly forms of vaccination were developed in ancient China as early as 200 B.C. Scholar Ole Lund comments: "The earliest documented examples of vaccination are from India and China in the 17th century, where vaccination with powdered scabs from people infected with smallpox was used to protect against the disease.Quoted from http:/ 1774,some twenty years before Jenner first used vaccination on a boy called James Phipps in 1796, at Berkeley in Gloucestershire, a farmer's wife, together with her two sons was vaccinated by her husband at Yetminster in Dorset. The husband's name was Benjamin Jesty, his wife was Elizabeth and the sons were Robert and Benjamin, aged 3 and 2.From http:/ the early empirical days of vaccination, prior to Pasteur's work on establishing a germ theory and Lister's on antisepsis and asepsis there was considerable cross-infection. One of the early vaccinators is thought to have contaminated the cowpox matter---the vaccine---with smallpox matter (he worked in a smallpox hospital) and this produced essentially variolation. From http:/ means the deliberate inoculation of an uninfected person with the smallpox virus (as by contact with pustular matter) that was widely practiced before the era of vaccination as prophylaxis against the severe form of smallpox.Edward Jenner preformed the first vaccination.Edward JennerEdward Jenner invented the first vaccine for smallpox in 1796Edward Jenner invented the vaccinedarwinEdward Jenner. He introduced the smalpox vaccine, which was thefirst vaccine in 1798.

Who made the first influenza vaccine?

The first vaccine is the virus cowpox (the latin word for cow is vacca, hence vaccine). It produces a very mild and harmless infection in people but protects them from smallpox, one of the most deadly diseases in history. Today, smallpox has been eradicated from the wild due to a worldwide effort to vaccinate enough people to wipe it out.