

Best Answer

You can learn more about filing taxes through your local government website, but the technical jargon can be confusing as most artciles are not written in layman's terms. For a simplified instructional article, look to YouTube for a step by step guide, or The Star. There are also some articles on eHow and Tax Tips.

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Q: Where can one learn more information about filing taxes?
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Where can I learn more about payroll taxes?

There are certain software that will teach you about payroll taxes. There are also sites that will give you information on what you need to know about what payroll taxes are and which types exist. More information can be found at

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You can learn more about boat donation, such as how to claim the donated boat on your taxes at Another site is The internet is going to be your best source for information on taxes. I would suggest going right to the source,at for information on your deduction.

What is the Canadian tax filing deadline?

Midnight, April 30, 2008 You can also file your taxes online. For more information, see the Related Link.

What filing status gets more credit on federal taxes on 100000 in Texas?

that is the question what filing status get more federal tax credit

What happens to someone for not filing there taxes and claiming more dependents then they had?

they get taxed more and if they don't pay that then they get sewed

Can you claim your disabled mom on your taxes?

yes as long as you are not a minor and you provided more than half of her financial support for the year in which you are filing taxes

Let An Online Accountant Do The Work For You?

In a day and age where more and more people are using the internet as their primary source for transactions of all types, including business transactions, the popularity of filing taxes online is becoming more and more prevalent year by year. It is essential that when you take on the task of self preparation of your taxes, you have plenty of tax information that will help you to get through the filing in a way that meets all of the complex rules, regulations, standards and ever changing laws involved in the tax filing process through the IRS. There is a multitude of information available online, but the information is so extensive, in depth and over-flowing that it would take one individual a very long time to get through it all before preparing taxes. There are also plenty of legitimate online courses you can take in order to learn how to file taxes, but the information you learn is bound to change from year to year along with the laws, rules and regulations, not to mention the internet and website updates that are sure to be a part of whatever method of filing you use online. A viable option to all of the above would be to utilize the services of an online tax preparation agency. There are numerous online tax agencies that not only have updated tax information, but can save you a tremendous amount of time and money that would otherwise be spent learning how to prepare your own taxes. This is still far more convenient than going into a brick and mortar office with your file, since you would be at home faxing your pertinent information to the agency and e-mailing forms with your most basic information on it. An online tax preparer can talk to you on the phone or through chat messaging, in most cases, and before you know it, your taxes will be filed for a nominal fee and without the hassle of trying to learn tax law and the ins and outs of filing on your own. Research online tax services, check out the legitimacy of the agency you are thinking of using, and sit back and relax while preparers do your accounting work!

What is the primary method used in estimating tax returns?

Filing your taxes is something that everyone must due once a year. With this be a requirement more and more people are now turning to the Efile method of filing your taxes. Making the Efile the number one used way to file.

How does filing status affect the amount of taxes you will pay?

It changes the tax bracket of the taxpayer, meaning that the taxpayer pays more or less tax, depending on filing status.

Can you file tax debt on a chapter 7 bankruptcy State and federal?

No on state taxes, yes on federal income taxes if the filing date or the date on which the IRS determined the tax due is more than 3 years prior to filing.

Does AARP in Minnesota have job openings to help others with filing their income tax returns?

They certainly have volunteer openings. You can learn more about volunteering and submit an application here:

Where can I find information on taxes by state?

You can check with your states Department of Revenue for information on taxes in your state. You can also review for more information.