

Where can someone find images for the DW drum set?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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DW drum sets (or Drum Workshop as it is more fully known) are available directly from DW. Drum Workshop is billed as "the Drummer's Choice and carries a wide variety of drum sets and supplies.

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Q: Where can someone find images for the DW drum set?
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There is the bass drum or kick drum which is on the floor that usually holds your toms and then there is the snare which is the center of the drum set. The snare is probably the most important drum in the whole set so it is known as the center of the drum set or kit

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How is a drum set played?

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What is the name in the center of the drum kit?

There is the bass drum or kick drum which is on the floor that usually holds your toms and then there is the snare which is the center of the drum set. The snare is probably the most important drum in the whole set so it is known as the center of the drum set or kit