

Where can someone go to learn to play guitar?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Someone that wants to learn to play guitar could check for lessons at a local music supply store or with a local community center. They could also check into learn to play videos online, learn to play books or even classes at a local college.

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Q: Where can someone go to learn to play guitar?
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The traditional way is to learn from a guitar teacher or a guitar player. Nowadays, you can probably learn from an online video, although you won't get the feedback that you would from a teacher.

Where could someone go to learn how to play an electric guitar online?

One could learn how to play a electric guitar online on YouTube. There are many people that give free guitar lessons. The tutorials are free and very helpful.

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learn how to play the guitar and you will be a guitarist! go buy a book or DVD on "how to play guitar"

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There are a few places that someone could learn to play acoustic on a guitar. One could try local guitar or music stores that often offer acoustic lessons. Sometimes in these stores there are postings for people that provide private lessons from their home.

Which website is a good website to learn guitar?

Youtube is a good way to learn how to play new songs on the guitar, most videos go through the basic chords to play.

Where do you Learn to play guitar?

Local guitar teacher, books, internet tabs,, or just foolin aroud with your guitar Guitar THIS! There are several ways to learn to play the guitar. In the beginning you need to figure out what it is you want to learn and go from there. So if you want to learn other peoples songs that go to to find tabs for the songs you want to learn. When you do that you will learn chords and practice then until you know them and are able to transition from one to the next. If you want to understand the guitar then there are books and programs for learning how to understand and know the guitar along with music theory. So get your feet wet and go with what you are interested in learning/playing.

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I think you should play bass first. It is a slower part and is easier for beginners. I think you should learn guitar first before playing the bass one. I think you should learn how to play guitar first because you at least will know the notes and know how to plaY A little. They're both guitars but can be played differently. If you like the funkyness or the low tone of the bass, go for it. Its a little difficult than guitar since theres different ways to play it, but if you want to shred and have fun the E. Guitar, go for that. Its up to you. You say you want to learn to play the bass, so learn bass first.

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Is it harder to learn to play on one guitar or to learn to play on different guitars?

If the question is is it harder to learn to play one guitar THAN it is to learn to play several different guitars at the same time, then in my opinion, it is easier to learn to play by using only one guitar. Start with a 6 string guitar, maybe an acoustic guitar. Get used to that one particular guitar. Then graduate to another guitar, same acoustic type but larger. The frets are the same but the feel is different. then go on to an electric guitar. I've played piano for a long time and I've learned to feel the vibrations the sounds create. Same with the guitar. I need to feel the vibrations. The electric guitar doesn't give much vibrations; so, I prefer the acoustic. Graduate to the base guitar (different guitar altogether). Now it's only 4 strings (unless you're adventuresome and go with a 5-string . . .) Maybe this explanation will help.

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In order to learn to play the ukulele one can visit the 'Ukulele Underground' website where they have a video demonstration. One can also find help from 'ukeschool' and on 'YouTube'.

Where could someone go to learn solo guitar riffs?

One can learn solo guitar riffs at their local Guitar Center store. Employees that work here are required to help beginners as part of their job. Some websites can be helpful for beginners as well.

How hard is it to play the guitar?

If you want to learn how to play basic chords, then it is easy. If you want to master extreme tabs and power chords, you are looking at a bit more than one guitar lesson. Also, if you have a very small hand, you might have trouble playing some chords. But if you are ready to learn guitar go for it!