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By saying detailed, I can only assume you mean ones that reveal the locations of treasures and codex pages. You can buy them from D'arte shps that sell paintings and treasure maps. These maps also reveal the secret hidden locations and each town sector has a map once it is unlocked for purchase.

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Q: Where can you buy a detailed map in assassin's creed 2?
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No, but you can buy a map of all the feathers and once there arent any more feathers on the map you found them all in that city

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The wall is a map of the world so just look at a map when you do it.

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by doing the romulus missions, they are like a wee dog symbol on the map

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Find the plus sign on the map in the pause menu and on your mini-map in game it will appear and follow the icon

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................. You follow the pic on your map and climb up the building? How dumb are you?

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You can purchase a map to the feathers after Sequence 5 or 6 from any Art Dealer.

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Assassin's Creed-Brotherhood, the last two blacksmiths are at the home base.