

Where can you find more pictures of the cotton gin?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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you can go to and search cotton gin

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13y ago
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Q: Where can you find more pictures of the cotton gin?
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Who was the cotton gin designed for?

the cotton gin was designed for the slaves co they could clean more cotton and be more productive.

What machine can do the work of 50 people?

Well, if you're asking this from your Social Studies weekly (Week 21) The answer is Cotton gin, you can find this answer in the article titled "Unintended Effects."

What is the purpose of a cotton gin?

The cotton gin removes the seeds from the cotton. This is a more difficult and slower process when done by hand, without the use of a cotton gin.

How did the cotton gin make cotton more profitable?

With a cotton gin, you remove the cotton seeds and it is easier to make it into cotton fabric.

How did Eli whitney's cotton gin change in the south?

the cotton gin was able to process A LOT more cotton, thus more slaves were needed to grow more cotton.

What invention caused the expansion of slavery in the south?

Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.

What was the advantage of the cotton gin over cleaning cotton by hand?

Advantage of the cotton gin was to speed up and have a more efficient production of cotton.

What was the advantages of the cotton gin over cleaning cotton by hand?

Advantage of the cotton gin was to speed up and have a more efficient production of cotton.

What was the advantage of cotton gin over cleaning cotton by hand?

Advantage of the cotton gin was to speed up and have a more efficient production of cotton.

Why did the cotton gin lead to slaves becoming more valuable than without cotton gin?

more cotton plantations were needed just took this on apex

Why did the cotton gin lead to slaves becoming more valuable than slaves without the cotton gin?

more cotton plantations were needed just took this on apex

Should you capitalize cotton gin?

You would not capitalize it. cotton gin