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At a store called Clueless in the northeast mall

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Q: Where can you get Alice cullens dress that she wears to prom?
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Related questions

Who gave Bella Swan a prom dress?

Alice Cullen.

Where can you find Alice Cullen's prom dress?

at a store called clueless in the northeast mall

What is Bella wear at the prom with Edward?

Bella wears a blue dress, One Blue shoe held on by ribbon(she only wears one because her leg was broken by James), her cast because of her broken leg and she has a blue hand bag all clothes given to her by alice.

What color is edward prefer to on Bella?

Edward prefers blue on Bella which is why Alice gives Bella a blue dress for prom.

How do you get the yellow prom dress on fantage?

You get the Yellow Prom Dress from gems.

Is a blue prom dress pretty?

yes it is it is a beautiful dress to where to the prom

What is a fashionable prom dress?

A fashionable prom dress would be on that is on trend for the times or year the prom is. Jessica McClintock makes great prom dress and has a wide variety of styles to choose from.

Is a night dress different from a prom dress?

Yes, a night dress is different from a prom dress because prom dresses are viewed as semi formal where as a night dress could be considered clubbing clothes.

Is the Golden Prom Dress a member rare item and how do you get it on Fantage?

The Golden prom dress is NOT a member item! The golden prom dress is no longer available but the purple prom dress is still available! 3 sapphires to get it! Go get it now, but maybe it wouldn't really be the purple prom dress as they always mix and match!

How do I pick out a prom dress?

To pick out a prom dress, go with what you can afford, and with what will make you happy.

How is Alice cullens style described in The Twilight Saga?

in the book, she is said to have expensive taste. a lot of the things mentioned, I've noticed, are french, like Bella's wedding and prom dress. she is very fashionable.... that's all that's really said, besides the fact that she could've worn dish rags and pulled it off.

What is the difference between a grad dress and a prom dress?

The grad dress is usually white. The prom dress is usually more flashy and sexier.