

Where can you get V6 tamagotchis?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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i bought mine at toys r us.

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Q: Where can you get V6 tamagotchis?
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How many tamagotchis are there?

7 OF THEM v1 v2 v3 v4 v4.5 v5 v6

Can you marry two tamagotchis when they are four?

U can. Well, only on the V6 that i know of. Hope this helps.

How do you make a tamagotchi?

you can buy v6's (music) tamagotchis at walmart, target, toys r us, e-bay

Where do you get codes for V6 tamagotchis?

on the music city website. you can only type item codes in if you log on to the pc, and press the first button.

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no but you can get cheats!

Who is mametchi on tamagiochi?

Mametchi is the main character of all the tamagotchis! Or you could say mascot of all tamagotchis.

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Does tamagotchis sell in barrie Ontario?

There are Wal-Mart and Zellers stores in Barrie, and Tamagotchis are usually sold there. Happy Tama hunting!

What type of tamagotchis do you get on v5?

you get the main characters only. not celebitchi and tenpatchi and the other tamagotchis. you get kuchipatchi and mametchi and memeitchi. all the main characters. :)