

Where can you get testosteron?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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13y ago

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You can't get it over the counter. Go to your general practicioner. If your testosterone level is low they can put you on something like androgel, a topical that has testosterone in it. It gets absorbed through your skin and into your blood stream. If your doctor won't cooperate, go online to an anti-aging site. They hook you up online with a Doctor Who will prescribe it (and it will be expensive). They will probably give an injectable testosterone steroid like testosterone cypionate. They send you syringes, etc. and you inject weekly into your thigh. The only other route is to buy testosterone steroids on the black market (i.e. illegally). You do this at your local gym or online. Be aware that this is against the law, testosterone is a schedule III drug, and you are running a risk. Also, lots of online sites are total ripoffs. Best bet = find a local doctor who specializes in anti-aging, or male hormonal problems, and work with them. You may have to shop around a little. But if you really need it, it will change your life, believe me. Good luck.

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