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My husband and I just started making these after one of Paula Deen's fans requested one. It turned out so great that we made another...and another..

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Q: Where can you get the sign Ya'll come back that is on Paula Deen's show?
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Where can you get the y'all come back sign in Paula's on set kitchen?

My husband and I just started making these signs after one of Paula Deen's fans requested one. It turned out so great that we made another...and another :) Here's the link if anyone would like to purchase one and Thanks!

Where can you get the y'all come back sign on Paula Deen's tv set?

the last food network magazine had an article in it about Paulas kitchen. It specified where you can order the sign and how much....$55... i have thrown the magazine already so I cant be more specific...but if you find the link or the info ..message me back. You can find those on Etsy. Search for Yall Come Back under Handmade goods.

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yall stupid ion wat yall doing is hacking in it and answer and yall giving a wrong answer

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I think it will most likely but we don't know when it will come back probably October or November in 2012 most likely hope yall keep it on cartoonetwork in the feature troughout the years!!!!!!!!!

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never they dont like yall

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it is coming out March 20, 2010... whoo get ready yall

Is the illumanti real?

to me i think its pretty stupid i mean come on yall gotta use yall heads, can somebody realy have a conversation with the devil?, can he really give you fame and fortune? i think its just something they say their in to keep ppl like you talking about them. really i mean famouse ppl aint nothing without their fans so come on they gotta give yall something to talk about. welp thats me and my opinion and since my opinoin matter imma tell yall how it is but yea yall kno who it is peace. -Dallas Hotty Princess

Will yall come and perform for your friends?

well ya but if your shy it not ganna work out to well so theres your answer

Where did Paula Deen's engagement ring come from?

It's from Tiffany & Co.

When does paula deanda new CD come out?

Soon to be released in 2009

Will The Rock return to the wwe ring ever again?

Oh whats? whats this, after seven long years when but a few gave up? FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO HOST WRESTLEMANIA Twenty MOTHER****ing seven, that's what i thought I new it yall gave it up yall thought hed never return and i said just wait, I can smell it but oh no no no no no no no no, yall said to me he's gone hes in Hollywood hes never coming back, well you know what. Yall were wrong Suck it to all who told us otherwise and praise to those who kept the dream ALIVE! Rocky thank you so much for coming back. you were the first person I ever saw in a wwe Ring and thank god you put those kids in place mate. To answer the question * cough * The Rock is Back, He's Big and He's Bad! Get Ready!