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Q: Where can you go to get a vasectomy?
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Does a vasectomy go bad after a period of time?

Generally, no. If properly performed, a vasectomy results in permanent sterilization. It's very unusual for the vas deferens to regrow.

Is it possible to be pregnant even if your partner had a vasectomy?

Yes, especially if they did not go back for the follow up tests to ensure it was a successful vasectomy, which occurs more often than you would think.

At the Houston Vasectomy Clinic what is the average cost of a vasectomy?

A Vasectomy procedure will cost about $1,300 to any man not wanting to have children any longer if the procedure is done by the Houston Vasectomy Clinic.

Can a man who had a vasectomy have natural children?

You should not be able to get pregnant by a man who has had a vasectomy.

If a men had a vasectomy done can a women get pregnant?

If the vasectomy was successful then no the woman cannot become pregnant.

What reproductive parts are affected during a vasectomy?

No reproductive part is affected by vasectomy adversely. You cut the vas diferens in vasectomy. Thereby the sperms do not enter the semen and fertility is prohibited. This is very simple procedure with almost no complications. Unfortunately the brave males usually force the females to go for tubectomy. Tubectomy is relatively much more invasive procedure.

How many pounds are you allowed to lift after a vasectomy?

10 to 15 lbs max i just got a vasectomy

Cpt code for bilateral vasectomy?

The CPT code for bilateral vasectomy is 55250. Get more information on

Why is a vasectomy very effective in preventing a female to get pregnant?

A vasectomy prevents a male making a female pregnant. It does not prevent a female getting pregnant since she could get pregnant with a male who has not had a vasectomy or by artificial insemination.

What are the chances of getting someone pregnant after a vasectomy?

The percentages are low, but it's not unheard of. If the doctor didn't do his job correctly then it can happen. I've heard about several women who have gotten pregnant after their husband has had a vasectomy. You can go to your doctor and be checked out and they'll know if the vasectomy took or not. Typically the doctor does a sperm count a week after the vasectomy and a month after that to insure that everything is were it should be. And should probably be checked every few years after that.

We had aTubal and vasectomy done am i pregnant?

No you can not be.

Does vasectomy affect sexual pleasure?
