

Best Answer

You can only play an island on Poptropica early if you're a member of the site, like you have to purchase membership. If you're not a member, you can know when they come out if you sign up to be emailed when it comes out. When an island is soon to come they will advertise it on the site.

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Q: Where can you play new islands on poptropica before it comes out?
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Related questions

Can you play an island before it comes out on Poptropica?

You can only play islands that are on the island map. Until then, they are not even on the servers.

What is the newest Poptropica island?

This answer will constantly change. For the list of current islands, see the related question below. New islands will be announced on the Poptropica Creators Blog before they are available for play.

Is it possible to play Astro Knights island before it comes out on poptropica?

NO 1.000,000,000 times NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Can you be a dog on Poptropica?

There is a dog suit in the Poptropica store. It does not affect the play of the islands in any way.

Do you have to be a member to complete islands on poptropica?

You only have to be a member to complete playing demo islands. But after a while the island comes off being a demo and everyone can complete it. So after it comes off of being a demo you can play it even if you are a non-member.

Is there a download for the Poptropica islands?

No. All the islands play on Poptropica's website, because the program has an active interface to keep track of your game status (which islands, what items, maps, etc.).

How do you play monster island on Poptropica?

"Monster Island" was one of the cancelled islands of Poptropica. Some early games and items were shown on the other islands.

Play the game poptropica 10?

it comes on Saturday

How can you play poptropica's 24 carrot before it comes out?

i have no idea ...... try asking your friends :) i know!! u have to be a member. sadly, im not. :(

How do you get on Poptropica islands that are not out for free?

You can't. The islands that do not appear on the Island Map are not accessible to anyone -- they aren't on the servers yet. There will be a period of up to 4 weeks when only Paid Monthly Members can play a new island, before it is released for free play.

When will it be completed?

never...the makers of Poptropica will always keep making islands for you to play on and enjoy!

Can I create my own islands when I finish all the islands on Poptropica?

No, you cannot make an island. However, you can replay islands or play on the Daily Pop or common rooms.