

Best Answer

Any good general store ought to have them. You might find them at the larger drugstore chains or clothing outlets. A quick call or two will probably answer the question for your locality. Most people like to help. If their store doesn't handle mothballs, they will probably try to give you an idea of who else might have them.

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Q: Where can you purchase naphthalene balls?
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Related questions

Does inhalation of naphthalene balls cause any danger?

Most certainly, inhalation of naphthalene is dangerous!

Do naphthalene balls sublime?

Yes, naphthalene balls have the property of sublimation. This means that they transition directly from a solid state to a gaseous state without passing through a liquid state. When exposed to air, naphthalene balls slowly vaporize and release a strong odor.

Explain why naphthalene or moth balls disappear without wetting the clothes?

Naphthalene or moth balls sublimate(change from a solid to a gas) so they can "disappear" without wetting the clothes.

What is the use of Naphthalene balls at?

they're called mothballs-for moths.

What is the actual cost of 1 kg of nepthlene balls in Indian scenario and currency?

naphthalene balls

Smell moth balls?

Naphthalene (ingredient of napalm)

How do naphthalene balls become smaller. name the process?

The process is called sublimation.

Is it true napthelene balls are obtained from charcoal?

Naphthalene (mothballs) comes from coal tar.

What is the effect of heat on the naphthalene ball?

Napthlene balls sublimates (turns into vapour) when heated...

What element is in moth balls?

Moth balls are made of naphthalene, a compound that contains hydrogen and carbon atoms. They are used to keep away moths.

Why naphthalene balls are kept in toilet?

Naphtalene is used as a repellant against moths but not especially in toilets.

What will be the effect of consumption of naphthalene balls by humans?

really awesome taste....especially white one