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Anywhere if you have it in a file in pdf/txt/html/doc format.

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Q: Where can you read Harry Potter by jkrowling on the computer?
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What should you read fablehaven or harry pottor?

it's spelled Harry Potter. and I think you should read Harry Potter.

Where can you read the Harry Potter Series free on the Internet?

None of the Harry Potter books are available online. You can order them from,, or visit your local bookstore. If you are trying to read them for free, I suggest a visit to your local library.

Where can you read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling on the computer?

You can buy the e-book from the Pottermore store and read it through that.

Why should a Christian read Harry Potter?

Some Christians believe that to read Harry Potter is a sin. If you do not believe this and want to read the books then you can.

What characters in Lego Harry Potter have books to read runes?

no characters have books to read runes in lego harry potter.

Where can the computer read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for me?

It can't. You cannot find a legal Harry Potter e-book because J.K Rowling hasn't given them permission to be produced yet.

Why do you like Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban?

although am a girl, i love to read about boys and harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban was a challenge to me and i read more about harry potter books and what happened to him

Where can you read 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' online?

You cannot legally read a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows online. As of October, you will be able to buy the e-book from the Pottermore store.

Why does Harry Potter die?

Harry Potter doesn't die and if you want to know for yourself, then read the Harry Potter series, espeially number 7.

Where can 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' be read in e-book form?

There are no Harry Potter e-books.

How do you get ready for a Harry Potter movie?

Watch all the Harry Potter movies before it and read the book.

What do you do after you complete Harry Potter ootp?

welll, you could read harry potter and the half-blood prince