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If the standing wave is on the rope but not on the wire then you can touch it anywhere without disturbing the wire.

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3d ago

Nodes are locations on a standing wave where the rope remains still. You can touch the rope at a node without disturbing the standing wave. Antinodes, on the other hand, are points on the standing wave where the rope undergoes maximum displacement and should be avoided when trying to interact with the wave without disrupting it.

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12y ago

At the node.

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13y ago

The node.

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Q: Where can you touch a standing wave on a rope without disturbing it?
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The length of the rope would be half the wavelength of the standing wave, so in this case, the rope would be 5 meters long. This is because the fundamental frequency of the standing wave has one full wavelength, which corresponds to half the length of the rope.

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You can get out of New Mauville without using an Escape Rope.

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Yes, transverse waves can be generated in a rope. When you flick one end of a rope up and down, a transverse wave is produced that travels along the length of the rope. This wave motion is characterized by the rope oscillating perpendicular to the direction of wave travel.

In cricket game if the ball touches the rope boundary line what is it 4 or a 6 It is just on the rope?

According to the Laws of Cricket, the boundary where a rope is used is the inside edge of that rope. A ball that lands directly on the rope will be a six, provided that it only landed on the rope, and didn't touch both the ground inside and the rope at the same time (this would be a four only); this is the ruling used in international games.

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The current Guinness World Record for the longest time jumping rope without stopping is 30 hours and 40 minutes.

Is jumping rope voluntary or involuntary?

Jumping rope is involuntary. You can move your arms freely to wave the jump rope over your head and also jump over it. If you were to say that the jump rope was too cold or too warm, then it would be voluntary because your brain will send you a message when you touch the jump rope to let go or pull away.

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