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Large, plastic or foam letters for children can be purchased in almost any store that sells toys. Toys R Us, Walmart, Target, Kmart, and Amazon all sell these toys.

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1w ago

Large plastic foam letters can be purchased at craft stores like Michaels or Hobby Lobby, as well as online retailers such as Amazon or Etsy. Additionally, some educational supply stores or specialty craft shops may also carry them.

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Q: Where could one buy large plastic foam letters?
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Does plastic keeps liquid hotter than a foam container or a glass container?

Plastic generally does not keep liquid hotter than a foam container or glass container. Foam containers have better insulating properties, making them more effective at retaining heat. Glass containers also have higher thermal conductivity, which can help keep liquids hotter for longer periods compared to plastic.

Is plastic or Styrofoam the poorest conductor of heat?

The answer to this question depends on the magic word NIC. NIC is short for non-intercellular. This means that the tiny cells within the foam do not connect with each other. The foam does not soak up lots of water. You can't blow air through it. A plastic foam which is NIC is a very poor conductor of heat - a good insulator. A plastic foam which is intercellular is not a good conductor, but it is nowhere near as poor as NIC foam. Its best use is as a sponge for soaking up water.

Is foam core the same as foam board?

Yes, foam core and foam board are terms commonly used interchangeably to refer to a lightweight material made of a foam core sandwiched between two layers of paper or plastic. They are typically used for crafts, presentations, and mounting artwork.

What is physical property of kicking board?

A physical property of a kicking board could be its size and shape, which can affect how it is used for swimming training. Another physical property could be its material composition, such as being made of foam or plastic, which can impact its durability and buoyancy in the water.

How is lead and plastic foam different?

Lead is a heavy metal that is toxic to humans and the environment, while plastic foam is a lightweight material, typically made from expanded polystyrene or polyurethane. Lead is commonly used in batteries, plumbing, and certain construction materials, while plastic foam is often used in packaging, insulation, and disposable food containers. Lead can pose health risks if ingested or inhaled, while plastic foam is not inherently toxic but can contribute to pollution if not disposed of properly.

Related questions

Is foam a kind of plastic?

Foam is NOT plastic!

How is plastic foam is a poor conductor of thermal energy?

they have a very large amount of air present in them, plastic is a bad conductor

What will insulate better a foam or plastic cup?

Foam will insulate better than plastic.

Can you eat foam?

Assuming the foam is from furniture stuffing, then the answer is no. Such foam is plastic and is definitely not edible.

What does simulated plastic foam mean?

if you know what simulated plastic foam means then could you please tell me the answer. i will try to help you out if you give me the answer then i will give it to you!!! thank you very much!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA ALL IF YOU DO THIS ONE THING JUST FOR ME!!!!!!!!

What kind of foam is used in paintball vests?

It depends on the manufacturer and the type of vest made - it could be some plain old plastic foam to something like neoprene.

Where can one find information on plastic foam?

One can find information about plastic foam, also called microcellular plastic, by reading about it in a rich dictionary, on Wikipedia or website 'Forms'.

Are foam or plastic cups better for kool-aid?

plastic because foam can get a hole in it easier and can cause your kool-aid to spill out on your pants

How is foamex made?

It is a foam related plastic.

How lead and plastic foam different?


Is foam lighter then plastic?

Foam is typically lighter than plastic due to its low density and air-filled structure. This makes foam a popular choice for packaging materials and insulation where weight is a concern.

What is a refrigerator made from?

Steel, plastic and insulating foam.