

Where could one find scratching posts?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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One could purchase a used cat scratching post at a flea market, yard sale, or a swap meet. One could also check the classified advertisements in their local newspaper.

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10y ago

One can find scratching posts at a Petco or Petsmart store. One can also find scratching posts on amazon or eBay. Sometimes you can even find a scratching post at Wal-Mart.

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Is there somewhere to learn about which type of cat scratching post makes a cat happiest?

There is unfortunately currently no where to learn about which type of cat scratching post makes a cat happiest. The best method is to buy a selection of cat scratching posts for your own cat and see which one that it likes the best. Another alternative is to read online reviews to see which other cats liked the best, however, that doesn't guarantee that it will apply to your own cat as well.

Why won't one cat let the other cat use the scratching post?

You can try rubbing some catnip on the scratching post to see if that entices your cat to use it. You could also try placing it in the way of where your cat is now scratching to try to redirect him/her. However, not all cats like scratching posts and if your cat doesn't want to use it, he/she won't and there isn't much you can do about it.

Where can one find Scottie puppies for sale?

There are many places where one could find Scottie puppies for sale. The best places where one could find Scottie puppies would be places like dog shelters or dog breeders.

How do you stop a cat scratching furniture?

Ok, here is a couple of ways: 1. If your cat has a scratch post, try not to place it near furniture. 2.On the scratch post, spray catnip on it. (Catnip spray can be bought from pets at home) This will make the cat want to scratch the post more than furniture. 3.Every time the cat scratches furniture, spray him with a bottle of water. Eventually, he will learn that scratching furniture is bad.

Where can one find puppies pictures online?

Pictures of Pomsky puppies may be found on the Pomsky Picture website. Websites of Pomsky dog breeders, such as the Pomsky Business in Weebly also have many pictures of their dogs.

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What do you need to buy to have a cat?

A litter box (usually one per cat), food, litter, bowls for food and water, scratching posts, toys and sometimes treats.

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One could probably buy fence posts in Alabama at the local hardware store. Although Alabama is a country state, they are still up to date on the standard way one would buy a fence post. Although, one could still probably buy fence posts from a local wood farmer.

Is there somewhere to learn about which type of cat scratching post makes a cat happiest?

There is unfortunately currently no where to learn about which type of cat scratching post makes a cat happiest. The best method is to buy a selection of cat scratching posts for your own cat and see which one that it likes the best. Another alternative is to read online reviews to see which other cats liked the best, however, that doesn't guarantee that it will apply to your own cat as well.

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There are a number of places online where one can find images of mailbox posts. Most search pages offer an image search. There are also photos tagged with those categories on websites such as Flick and Photo Bucket.

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well you see to delete posts made by your friends on the right hand corner you will find a x you press the x then you will find the one that says ''remove post'' press it then the post is deleted Answer from Gabrielle

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Not sure if that's one reason, but I do know that they use the trees like cats use scratching posts, they scratch the trees with their claws so that all they will sharpen, and therefore, be more useful.

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