

Where could one purchase a table that has folding legs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Tables with folding legs can be found in many outdoor shops like Cotswold Company and Go Outdoors. They can also be purchased from Argos, seasonally from large supermarkets and online from Amazon.

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Q: Where could one purchase a table that has folding legs?
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Are folding table legal normally repairable?

On these average folding table legs you cannot repair these. That is due to the fact that many companies designed these legs to not be repairable.

What type of simple machine is a folding table?

A folding table would be considered a "lever". Think about how the legs of the table "pivot" to open and close, just like the lever does.

How do you build a folding table?

you'll need hinges for the folding part, for the legs use metal or steel and for the top use whatever you like

How can I replace my damaged table legs?

It is fairly easy to change damaged legs on a table. Most are just bolted on. You would need to shop around for the right replacement leg or you could just purchase new legs all together and put them on yourself.

Are folding table legs replace-able or fixable?

Actually depending on the brand, there are some replacement legs sold for folding tables. I would look up the brand name for a replacement part. If your brand does not offer replacements a local welder might weld it back on for you making it as good as new.

Where can a person purchase replacement dining room table legs?

Replacement legs for a dining room table can be purchased at Lowe's, Home Depot as well as Canadian Tire. They have various legs which can be finished to ones liking.

Where can I get some metal table legs from?

Spare metal table legs are freely available to purchase online. Try Ebay or Amazon for the lowest prices. Also try the Target, WalMart and Sears websites.

Where can I buy custom folding table legs?

If you know the manufacturer this is easy, if they are still in business, just look up the number for the company and ask for a replacement. However if the manufacturer is unknown, or they are out of business, many retail stores sell cheap replacement legs for folding tables; just be sure to check the dimensions to make sure they fit.

How is a portable stage put together?

Portable stages can come in different shapes and sizes. Often the stage is similar to a folding table. The legs of the stage and half of the stage are folded.Once ready to set up, the stage and legs are unfolded and snap into place.

What has four legs is green and could kill you if it fell out of a tree?

A Pool Table :D

How to Make Folding Table Legs?

As you probably know at this point, a folding table is used to help serve guests that decide to come over for a meal and when there is no extra room at the dinner table. It might also be used to eat food in a place where you normally do not, or it can be used to do projects that do not stay out all the time, such as if you were doing arts and crafts. There are not many folding tables at the store that look attractive, however, and they also do not seem very sturdy. You can easily make your own legs for your folding table and attach them to a table top.Prepare your table the way you wish, whether that means you need to cut it, shape it, paint it, or sand it. Keep in mind that when you attach the legs, you will be using brackets that are made out of steel plated with bronze. You should find a paint color that will fit well with those kinds of brackets.Figure out on which part of the wood you will want to mount the legs. When you figure it out, take a pencil and mark the location where you will place them, ensuring that they are all the right amount of distance away from each of their corners.Take the brackets and attach them in a way that allows the underside to become flush with your table leg once it opens up. To do this, make sure you line up the bracket in the fashion you intend to attach it and take the pencil to mark where the holes for the screw will go. Get a drill and fill in the holes. After this, screw the bracket into place, to the leg you made.Begin to attach your made legs, putting them beneath the table top you made. Make sure that you are correctly attaching them, meaning that the legs are facing the correct direction. It is an important step so that you know your legs will fold up on the table with the bracket. Drill holes wider if necessary and take care with your screws.

What has four legs but cant run?

It could be anything like a table, chair, desk, etc....