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Artemis spends most of her time hunting in the forests with her followers.

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Hunting in the woods.

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Q: Where could the goddess Artemis usually be found?
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Where is the Greek goddess Artemis from and where can she be found?

Her origins are said sometimes to be older then Ancient Greece, but none the less, she was adopted into their religion - as she is a deity, she can only be found in the art and buildings of her ancient worshipers.

What were Artemis' responsibilities?

The goddess Artemis' responsibilities are to watch over children, protect new born creatures, aid women during childbirth, send plagues through wicked cities, kill men who committed rape, and help the hunt.She was responsible for hunting and the Wild (along with Pan). She led the group the Hunters of Artemis.She was also responsible for protecting maidens, women in childbirth, and new born creatures.She is the goddess of the forest, animals and hunt.

What did Artemis do to Callisto?

When Artemis found out that Callisto was raped by Zeus, she banned her from the hunt. Other versions of the myth say that Artemis, instead of Hera, turned Callisto into a bear.

Why is Artemis important?

She is known to be the "Huntress" and the one to always keep her viginity. Being the goddess of hunting and the moon. Her attributes are a silver bow and silver arrows, a deer, a bear, falcon, wild dogs and nymphs. This is a short story I got together for a history report. Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She is the goddess of the wilderness, the Hunt, wild animals, and childbirth. She was often shown with a crescent moon above her forehead and was sometimes identified with Selene who is the goddess of the moon. Artemis was one of the Olympians and a virgin goddess. Her main job was to roam mountain forests and uncultivated land with her nymphs in attendance hunting for lions, panthers, hinds and stags. She was armed with a bow and arrows, which are her symbols, while she was hunting. In one legend, Artemis was born one day before her brother Apollo. Her mother gave birth to her on the island of Delos, then, almost immediately after her birth, she helped her mother give birth to her brother Apollo. This was the beginning of her role as a guardian of young children and a supporter of women in childbirth. Being a goddess of contradictions, she was the protector of women in labor, but it was said that the arrows of Artemis brought them sudden death while giving birth. As was her brother, Apollo, Artemis was a divinity of healing, but also brought and spread diseases. Artemis with her twin brother, Apollo, killed Niobes' children. They killed Niobes' children because, Niobe had boasted to Leto, which is the mother of the divine twins, that she had alot more children, which must make her superior to Leto. Apollo being offended at such an insult on his mother, informed Artemis. The twin gods hunted them down and shot them with their bows and arrows, and Apollo killed the male children and Artemis killed the girls. Artemis was the goddess of animals, the moon, and the hunt. She loved all wild creatures creatures and was the twin sister of Apollo. Please see the below link for more information.

How did Artemis kill Orion?

Her brother Apollo was angered by their friendship. Apollo challenged Artemis to an archery competition. He told her to shoot a target from far away. Artemis had no idea that the target her brother mentioned was the head of Orion. Artemis' shot was perfect (like always) so Orion died. Another version on how Orion died was that Apollo sent a scorpion to sting Orion in his heal. Gaea, Mother Earth, could of sent the scorpion instead of Apollo because she was upset that Orion was killing all of the wild beasts that lived on her. Yet another version on how Orion died: Orion tried to rape Artemis or one of her virgin followers. Being a virgin goddess, she killed him before he could.

Related questions

Where would Artemis the Greek goddess be found?

She can be found hunting in the forests with her followers.

What animals relate to Artemis and why?

The animals most commonly associated with Artemis are:Deer/StagBearsWild birds such as falcons and hawksAll these animals are found in the forest, which Artemis is the goddess.

What is the god Artemis' home address?

The goddess Artemis played an intriguing role in Greek mythology and religion. She was known as the "Mistress of Animals" and the protectress of children, but she was also a huntress and the goddess who could bring death with her arrows. Myths such as the one about Niobe show Artemis as a strong willed and powerful goddess, a female who could punish injustices against the gods with ferocious and deadly accuracy. Artemis was the daughter of Leto and Zeus (the ruler of the Greek gods). Together with her twin brother Apollo she enjoyed the status and privileges of an Olympian. And as an Olympian goddess, Artemis was free to pursue her interests, and was often found frolicking in the forests, accompanied by a band of nymphs.

Where did Artemis hangout?

She could be found in the woods

Which greek gods used bows and arrow?

Bows and arrows are typically found as symbolic links to Apollo and Artemis. Cyclopes fashioned Artemis her Cydonianbow and arrows, saying that what beasts or monsters she killed with them the Cyclopes could eat. Apollo's bow and arrows were said to be from Lyctian.

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The Greek goddess Hebe lived on Olympus.

Where can Artemis be found?

Artemis can be found in the wilderness.

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Where is the Greek goddess Artemis from and where can she be found?

Her origins are said sometimes to be older then Ancient Greece, but none the less, she was adopted into their religion - as she is a deity, she can only be found in the art and buildings of her ancient worshipers.

What did Athena stand for?

Athena of course stood for wisedom, war, justice, strategy and skill. It was said she help found the city of Athens. Athena, like Artemis, was a virgin goddess

Where is Artemis found?

In the wood.

Where is Hebe from and where can she usually be found?

Hebe the goddess of youth and daughter of Hera and Zeus lived with them on Olympus.