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My best bet- if you have one in your area- would be GameStop. I got this really awesome Haunted Mansion game for $4. And a new Rock band for $20.

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Q: Where could you buy a used old guitar hero game for twenty dollars?
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Is there a Wii for 150 dollars?

I have a wii that I want to sell for 150 dollars, comes with two controllers, the game guitar hero 5 and the guitar.

Do you need to have a guitar on Guitar Hero?

No, you could use your game controller. But, it would be more fun and of an experience if you had a guitar for Guitar Hero.

At game stop how much money would they give you for a tredin for a guitar hero 3 guitar for the ps2?

6 dollars store credit

How much money is Guitar Hero?

It depends on the game. if you want to buy guitar hero 2&3 than it would only be 10 used. But if you would like to buy a new game than it will be 50/40 used. If you would like to purchase a guitar with it you can add $40 dollars to it. If you would like to buy a mic and drums and guitar than it will cost an other 80/90/100 dollars

What part of the sentence is Chris in 'James gave Chris twenty dollars for a game'?

In this sentence, Chris is an indirect object.

Do you have to have the guitar for Guitar Hero on the PS3?

Yes, you need the guitar. Without the guitar you cannot punch on the color coded keys. If you could play without the guitar the game would show the button names to punch instead.

How much money is it to buy guitar hero 2 for PS2?

it depends on which guitar hero guitar hero 1 costs about 30$ guitar hero 2 costs about 40$ guitar hero 3 costs about 50$ guitar hero world tour- its depends on what you want for it just guitar,drums,mic,extra guitar for bass. It just depends.

How do you use Guitar Hero 3 guitar on Guitar Hero 2 game?

The game is compatible with any guitar

Can you use the game Guitar Hero with rock band?

a Guitar Hero guitar controller will work for Rock Band. You could also use the wire less Rock Band Guitar on Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

How do you connect the Guitar Hero guitar to the rock band game?

I don't think the two work together... You could always give it a try though.

Why won't my areosmith Guitar Hero game for PS2 work?

The disc could be scratched Amazon has new game for only $3.89

What do you get when you purchase Guitar Hero?

When you purchase "Guitar Hero, you get: The game disc and the guitar that goes with the game disc. If you purchase the full band set, then you will get: The game disc, guitar, drums, and microphone.