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Q: Where could you buy hypodermic needles?
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What is the proper word for ingection needles?

Hypodermic needles I believe.

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What is long island sand made of?

Disposed of hypodermic needles and broken crack pipes

How is the hypodermic needle theory used in animated film?

what are the theorys of hypodermic needles culmination theory two steo flow theory users and gratifications theory

What is the phobia of being frightened of hypodermic needles?

It's simple...needlephobia (I didn't expect that either)

What kind of therapy requires sticking needles in you?

Its 'Acupuncture'. Or if you have a bacterial infection, it's a hypodermic needle...

Why cant bigger gauge needle be used for transfusion of blood?

because all the contents of the blood could not travel through bigger number gauges or lesser diameter hypodermic needles

What is it called when your scared of needles?

Trypanophobia is the fear of medical procedures that involve injections or hypodermic needles. Aichmophobia is the fear of any sharp or pointed object including needles and knives. Other names for the fear of needles is belonephobia.

What is used for needles?

Sewinggetting splinters outif it's a knitting needle, knittingif it's a hypodermic needle, giving injections

What phobia is the fear of shots and needles?

Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. It is occasionally referred to as aichmophobia, belonephobia, or enetophobia but they are incorrect.

During ancient Egypt who was herodotrus?

Herodotus was not Egyptian, he was Greek. He worked in Alexandria. He dealt mostly with hydrolics. He invented many modern things, such as the hypodermic needles.