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Capturing the enemy's flag was long linked with morale, to the point that men would die to prevent the flag being even in danger of capture.

Military trainers simply used this idea and practised it as an exercise.

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Q: Where did Capture The Flag originate from?
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Where did flag day originate?

The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'.

What is the flag of confederate?

The rebel flag the flag of the south.

What is a flag used as a symbol of a nation?

Such a flag is called a national flag.

When did the state flag become the official flag?

What state flag.

Who replaced the bear flag with the flag of the us?

The CA flag is the "Bear" flag. It still flies everyday over the state. When CA became a state on Sept. 9th 1850 the US flag was added and both are used. The flag was designed and sewn by a little girl and commissioned by John C. Fremont. The story goes that when he captured the state from the Mexican government and took the governor captive he had the flag made to fly over Monterey The story states that the red stripe on the bottom first came from the petticoat of the girl who made it. By-the-way one reason why a bear was used on the flag is because in the early days of the state bears roamed the state and could be found in most regions. The Spanish use to capture them, dig a pit, and put a bear and bull together to watch the outcome. The bear population of the state is smaller and to see one you usually have to go into the high country. To shoot and hunt a bear takes a special hunting permit. To observe a bear is a real experience.