

Where did Cleopatra go when she lost the battle of Actium?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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After Actium, Cleopatra hustled back to Alexandria, and rounded up all of her enemies that she could find and had them executed.

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Q: Where did Cleopatra go when she lost the battle of Actium?
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When did Cleopatra go to war?

The only time that Cleopatra went to war was in 31 BC at Actium. She lost, big time.

Who were the losers at the battle of actium?

The forces of Octavian (the future Augustus) defeated the combined forced of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII. Agrippa was the overall commander of Octavian's Fleet. Mark Antony was the overall commander of the Antonine fleet. Cleopatra headed and Egyptian squadron.

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The power of Antony and Cleopatra began to erode shortly before the Battle of Actium when many of their allies deserted them. After Actium it was all downhill. Antony's troops began to go over to Octavian and his client king allies defected. When Octavian finally entered Alexandria Antony and Cleopatra were totally defeated.

How many times did Cleopatra go to war?

Cleopatra only went to war once and that was at Actium where she and Antony were defeated.

How long did the battle of Actium go on for?

The Battle of Actium took place on September 2, 31 BC, and lasted for approximately eight hours. It was a decisive naval battle between the forces of Octavian (later known as Augustus) and the combined fleet of Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

What battles were Cleopatra VII involved in?

Cleopatra was in two wars. One against her brother ptolemy XIII and won against him and was a pharoah. Also another one with octavian and lost. She knew if she would go in the streets she would be murdered slowly and painfully. So she committed suicide

When did Cleopatra first go to war?

Cleopatra first went to war in 31B.C. at Actium. She was also involved in the Alexandrian war, but other than causing it, took no active part in it.

Did Queen Cleopatra go on expeditions?

There's no record of Cleopatra ever going on any expeditions. The only traveling she did was for political purposes, such as up the Nile with Caesar, to Rome, to Antioch and to Actium.

What battles did Cleopatria fight in?

Cleopatra, the last active pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt, did not personally fight in any known battles. However, she aligned herself with Julius Caesar during the Roman Civil War and later with Mark Antony in the Battle of Actium against Octavian. These battles ultimately led to the downfall of Cleopatra and the annexation of Egypt by the Roman Empire.

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Egypt, where he was killed

When did ancient Egypt go to war with ancient rome?

Egypt never fought against Rome. Cleopatra VII fought alongside Marc Antony in the civil war between Marc Antony and Octavian which would decide which one of them would become the sole ruler of Rome. Most of the forces of Marc Antony and Cleopatra were Roman. They were defeated and committed suicide. Octavian became the sole ruler of Rome and also annexed Egypt.

Why did Cleopatra not go to school?

Cleopatra did not go to school, school came to her. Remember, Cleopatra was a royal princesss, so would have tutors come to her for her education.