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Charles Darwin used the opportunity of travelling around the world to undertake research that led to his theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. He lived in England when he was writing On the Origin of Species.

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Q: Where did Darwin live when he was writing On the Origin of Species?
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Shrewsbury in England

Did Charles Darwin live?

Charles Darwin lived in shrewsbury (England)Darwin lived for most of his life in Down House in Kent (England). The house is open to the public and beautifully restored and furnished as Darwin would have known it.

Charles Darwin who was he?

Charles Darwin is considered one of the giants of modern biology, having published the first coherent theory of evolution (he is therefore known as the 'father' of the theory of evolution).Born: 12 February 1809Birthplace: Shrewsbury, EnglandDied: 19 April 1882 (heart attack)Best Known As: The naturalist who came up with the theory of evolution

How many years did Charles Darwin live?

57 years