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Q: Where did Jane Goodall sleep when she was with the chimps?
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Related questions

What country did Jane Goodall study chimps in?

Jane Goodall studied chimps in Africa.

Where did Jane Goodall study chimps?

Jane Goodall lived in a tree!!

Who are Jane Goodall siblings?


What was Jane Goodall's talent?

Jane Goodall's talents is training chimps and being a primatologist

What did Jane Goodall like to do when she was young?

Jane Goodalls liked Chimps

What is Jane Goodall's education?

she studied the chimps!

How many chimps did Jane Goodall study?

Jane Goodall study alot of chimps because ther were in danger and she dirent want themto be in danger.

Does Jane Goodall have a hobby?

Yes she works with chimps

Does Jane Goodall still study chimps?


What woman trained chimps to sign?

Jane Goodall

Who is the famous female scientists who studied chimpanzees in Africa?

Jane Goodall was the woman who lived with chimps

Why does Jane Goodall work on chimps?

go to wikapidea and find out