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The Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter provides a vivid description of Jesus as a spectator at his own crucifixion. According to the Second Treatise of tbe Great Seth the substitute was Simon, who bore the cross and on whom the crown of thorns was placed, while Jesus was an onlooker. Some legends say that Jesus went with Mary Magdalene to the south of France, and that their descendants still live there.

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Q: Where did Jesus go after Simon of Cyrene was crucified in his place?
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Did Simon of cyrene die in the place Jesus?

There is no historical record indicating that Simon of Cyrene died in the same place as Jesus. Simon of Cyrene is known for helping Jesus carry the cross to Golgotha, but there is no further mention of him in relation to Jesus' crucifixion.

Was it really Jesus that was crucified on the cross?

YES! read the Bible.The orthodox Christian Church had no doubts that Jesus was crucified. However, many Gnostic Christians could not believe that this was true. The Nag Hammadi document, Second Treatise of the Great Seth, says that Simon of Cyrene not only carried the cross for Jesus but also took his place on the cross. Other Gnostic Christians said that the spiritual Christ left of body of the human Jesus before the crucifixion took place.

When Jesus dropped his cross was it Simon who picked it up?

It was Simon of Cyrene.As Jesus was carrying his cross out of Jerusalem to the place of execution, a man named Simon of Cyrene was coming in (Matthew 27:32; Peter 15:21; Luke 23:26), and the soldiers compelled him to carry the cross of Jesus.

Where did Jesus get crucified at?

Jesus was crucified at a place called Golgotha, also known as Calvary, which was located just outside the city walls of Jerusalem.

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The only disciple not to desert Jesus was 'the disciple Jesus loved' - John, who was present with jesus' mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and other women at the place where Jesus ws executed. The only disciple not to desert Jesus was 'the disciple Jesus loved' - John, who was present with jesus' mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and other women at the place where Jesus ws executed.

Why was Simon of Cyrene made carry Jesus' cross?

Carrying the cross (possibly just the crossbar) was standard practice in Roman crucificxions, to further humiliate the victim, so that he could be seen by the public as a criminal on his way to the place of execution. The Romans wanted to frighten the population, since there were many 'freedom' movements in Palestine at the time (sounds familiar!).

What is the name of the place were jesus was crucified?


Place were Jesus died?

Jesus is believed to have been crucified at Calvary, just outside of Jerusalem.

Which road did Jesus took to Golgotha?

Jesus had to walk the entire way to calvary, even though he fell, and some one else carried the cross for him.

What mountain was Jesus crucified?

Jesus was crucified on a hill outside of Jerusalem called Golgotha, which means "place of the skull." It was not a mountain but rather a prominent hill where public executions were carried out.

What does Jesus' words I assure you that you will be with me in paradise mean?

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