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Christianity acknowledges that Judaism began with Abraham as the first person after Noah to have a personal relationship with God.

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Q: Where did Judaism start according to Christianity?
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How did Judaism and Christianity start?

Judaism & Christianity started with God's Covenant with Abraham.

What two religions did Judaism start?

Christianity and Islam.

Did Judaism and Christianity start in the Middle East?

Yes. Judaism developed in Egypt, Israel, and Iraq. Christianity developed in Israel and Turkey.

How did Judaism Christianity and Islam start?

For Judaism, this link has the details:

Which religions were founded in the Europe and southwest Asia?

Christianity and Judaism

Where did judaism and christianity start?

Judaism started in Egypt. Christianity started in what is called currently Palestine territories.Another viewIn the area now known as Israel/Palestine

What are the three great monotheistic faiths?

Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Who was the last prophet to Israel?

St. John the Baptist according to Christianity. Malachi according to Judaism.

Do Christians believe that Abraham started Judaism and Islam?

Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i faith. Christianity recognize Judaism but not Islam. Islam recognizes Judaism, Christianity but not Baha'i faith. And finally Baha'i faith recognizes Judaism, Christianity and Islam all together. And obviously he did not start anything. He simply preached the word of God, i.e. the holy revelations.

How does Christianity relate to Judaism?

The Pope has called Judaism "Christianity's older sister," since Christianity bases much of its content on Judaism.

What are some contemporary struggles that Christianity have with judaism?

Christianity does not struggle with Judaism.

What three religions claim palestine as the Holy Land?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have all claimed the Holy Land for themselves.